Icon System Preferences in OS X without purpose is moved to the default Dock. As in iOS, on Mac we look in the settings quite often. Fortunately, wander through the depths of the control panel - even though the number of elements in it does not go to any comparison with the Windows - not necessarily. There are more simple and convenient way.
Method one: use docking
You are a hundred times opened the settings by clicking on the icon in the dock, and then move to the desired section. You will not believe how close you are to a faster way. All you need to do - is to perform a right-click or tap and hold the icon until the settings pop-up menu, and then, without stopping the press, select the desired section of the list.
Method two: secret function "Back" button
The button with the image of a grid of icons, which returns to the main settings screen has a little secret. If you press and hold it, it opens us to the familiar drop-down menu with a list of all the settings. It remains only to choose the desired section, without interrupting the pressing.
Method three: search settings
This is the easiest way to find the setting you want, if you have forgotten in which section it is. And, as you know, it can be used easily for quick transfer directly to the options that you need.
Fourth process: Spotlight
It would be silly if so smart Spotlight search, able to look for all the world, could not find certain settings OS X, right? Here you go. Now you know how to quickly navigate to the desired section.
Method five: softkeys
Yes, yes, F1-F12 - serve not only to adjust the brightness and switch tracks. Through the appropriate function keys, you can call setup related functions, you need only to add the Option key pressed. For example, for the display settings, press Opt + F2, to Mission Control settings - Opt + F3, and so on.
- The search settings (and Spotlight) do not need to score the exact name of the option. For example, do not necessarily write "Desktop & Screen Saver", if you want to change the wallpaper. It will be enough just to enter the word "screensaver".
- If you hide any settings from the panel, they can still be found through the search.
- You can use regular expressions in the search. For example, you can just write: "Add Printer" - and the menu you want to open automatically.