8 myths about higher education that parents believe in, but in vain
Forming How To Proceed / / December 29, 2020
1. Undergraduate is incomplete higher education
In the minds of many members of the older generation, high-quality university studies should last at least five years. Hence the skepticism about the bachelor's degree, but in fact it is complete, full-fledged higher education. Accordingly, the holder of a bachelor's degree is not a dropout.
And if it still seems to you or your family that four years is not enough, then you can enter the next stage - the magistracy. In addition, there are still fewer specialist programs in Russia - just those with continuous five- or six-year training. It is not at all a fact that they are in your chosen specialty in the universities of your city.
2. Professions are divided into serious and not serious
Physician, translator, lawyer, engineer in the oil industry are "serious" professions. That is, those that the generation of our parents associate with stable and fairly high earnings. Usually the choice of such specialties is encouraged. Another thing is an actor or an interior designer. Some parents believe that these professions are, to put it mildly, frivolous and not very intellectual, while others fear that a son or daughter with such a profession will not find a good job.
In reality, of course, there are no frivolous professions: everyone is needed and important. And a graduate of a theater institute, in love with his work and ready to constantly improve, will certainly achieve success. And, most importantly, it will work with joy. Unlike the newly minted lawyer, who has given way to his parents, who is unlikely to reach career heights, doing a hated business. And we spend too much time at work to treat it as a necessary evil.
When the chosen specialty arouses not only interest, but also the willingness to engage in it with full dedication, this increases the chances of being successful in the profession. And even if training on it is only paid, or it was simply not possible to enter the budget, this should not be an obstacle: you can take an educational loan.
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3. Online education is not real
Online courses are not only short application programs, but also more fundamental education. Many major universities have distance learning for bachelor's degree, which meets all state standards. For example, at the Russian State Humanitarian University you can learn online management, journalism, jurisprudence and seven more specialties. And in the end, get not some kind of certificate, but a full-fledged bachelor's degree.
A number of universities are launching online courses addressed to ready-made specialists for advanced training or retraining. So, at HSE you can listen to 89 programs remotely: from the Russian economy and the algorithm of calculations to the psychology of parenting and the analysis of films. Some courses of this university, compiled by teachers, can be passed on the Coursera platform, and completely free of charge (although you still need to pay for the certificate).
4. You can't get a job without a diploma
A diploma is not a prerequisite for every profession. With a school certificate, it's easy to get a job as a salesman, administrator or waiter. Yes, this does not sound like a dream job, but there are still opportunities to achieve professional growth, bypassing the university. For example, if you learn how to write texts well or work in graphic editors, there is a chance to make big money on the freelance exchange.
Without entering a university in just a year or a year and a half, you can master many popular professions: web developer, internet marketer, data analyst and other digital specialties, makeup artist, colorist, manicurist.
This certainly does not mean that higher education is overrated. Yes, you can build a career without a degree. But not in all areas, and this will be a more difficult path.
The main thing is to enter a university and get a diploma is never too late: at least at 30, at least at 40, even at 50. When you realize that you just need a tower, go for the treasured document.
5. The profession is chosen once and for all life
Fortunately, this is not the case either. Choosing a profession is a serious matter, but it should be treated more simply. Even your favorite specialty can get bored. Especially if you managed to reach maximum heights in it, after which there is no development.
Nobody will forbid you to retrain at any time and even leave after the first year to enter another specialty. Only circumstances - family or financial - can interfere. Moreover, it is likely that in the future, changing professions every 10 years will become the norm. Not only because we get bored with work, but also because some professions are becoming obsolete. For example, by 2030 they may become unclaimed specialties of accountant, pharmacist, foreman, logistician. Learning new skills and constantly developing qualifications is often a necessity.
6. Red diploma is cooler than blue
In a sense, yes: with him it is easier to enter the master's and graduate school, he is a reason for pride. But the red crust is unlikely to affect employment: the first employer will appreciate your knowledge, and the next will appreciate your experience first of all. The main thing is to study in good faith and hone skills in practice. And too many "good" or "satisfactory" in the diploma is not a big deal: a rare employer will check your every grade.
Some employers generally find the excellent students to be too arrogant and not adapted to difficult situations. And in the case of creative professions, they also think too stereotypically.
7. After receiving a diploma, you can forget about
This is a kind of motivating thought, which in the language of parents means something like this: “Be patient these few years of lectures, tests and exams, then you won't have to study again! " And here they are are wrong. Higher education does not automatically make you an expert, especially since universities provide mostly theoretical knowledge, which by the time of graduation may be slightly outdated.
To stay in demand as a specialist, you need to be ready to develop constantly. This means that you need to take refresher courses, read relevant research in your profession, and learn new skills. This is the only way to keep up with the rapidly changing world and compete with new specialists graduated from universities every year. But do not take the need to study after graduation as a duty. First, it's interesting. Second, knowing that you have your finger on the pulse of new technologies in your profession will make you more confident.
8. It's a shame to study on a paid basis
And this is also not true. Paid education is not a shame for life because you did not pass the competition, it is an opportunity to get the education you need. And it will be of the same quality as the free one, since it follows the same program. And how deep the knowledge gained will turn out to be largely dependent on your diligence and professionalism of the teachers, but not at all on the amount of money spent.
There is a high competition for specialties in demand in good universities. And even applicants with very good grades can be left behind if they don't have enough points. It’s wrong to give up on a dream because you didn’t enroll in free. Don't miss opportunities so you don't regret them later.
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