How to survive a pandemic if you are allergic
Health / / December 28, 2020
Is it possible to distinguish the symptoms of coronavirus from hay fever, is it worth continuing to use inhalers and what additional safety measures need to be followed.
Is it true that coronavirus is more dangerous for allergy sufferers than for healthy people?
Yes, people with allergies may be at risk. Due to the altered state of the mucous membrane of the eyes and respiratory tract, it is easier for the virus to "linger" on it and it is easier to enter the body. Those who suffer from chronic respiratory diseases, in particular bronchial asthma, need to be especially careful, since the coronavirus mainly affects the lungs.
Complications can be the same as in people without allergic pathology. As described, the most common of these in COVID-19 is pneumonia.
How to distinguish coronavirus symptoms from an allergy attack?
A reaction to plant pollen most often begins with an itchy nose and a runny nose with copious mucous discharge. Also, allergies can be accompanied by itching and swelling of the eyes. These symptoms are not common with COVID-19. Nasal congestion is rare.
But the disease also has similar symptoms: coughing, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath can occur and with COVID-19, and during exacerbations bronchial asthma. In such cases, you should promptly seek medical help. Self-diagnosis and self-medication can be life-threatening.
In addition to a constant runny nose and tearfulness, hay fever can cause fatigue and irritability. In order not to lose vigor and productivity due to symptoms during the period of seasonal allergies, modern antihistamines can be taken. Such as "Suprastinex». This drug based on levocetirizine fights the symptoms of pollinosis and practically does not cause drowsiness in therapeutic doses.
Suprastinex is available in the form of tablets and drops. In 50% of patients, it begins to act in 12 minutes after application and helps to cope with runny nose, sneezing and even itchy skin within 24 hours.
The drug is suitable for adults and children over 2 years of age. It can be combined with other medicines and taken over a long period - up to six months.
Get rid of the symptoms of hay fever
Can I use an allergy inhaler and nasal spray during a pandemic?
Control therapy prescribed by the attending physician should not be self-canceled. This can lead to a worsening of the underlying disease and thereby contribute to a more severe course of a viral infection if a person suddenly becomes infected. For all questions about therapy, you should consult with your doctor.
How do allergy sufferers behave in self-isolation? How often should you clean? How about airing the apartment?
Self-isolation in some way helps people with allergies, since the first treatment for hay fever is prevention: no contact with the allergen. Staying indoors with closed windows minimizes exposure to pollen. To reduce their likelihood even more, you should seal the windows or install sealed double-glazed windows, tighten the window with wet gauze.
If possible, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning daily, to clean the windowsills and any other surfaces on which it settles from pollen. It is worth ventilating the premises either early in the morning or late in the evening, when there is a minimum of pollen in the air. You can also do this after rain.
How to protect yourself if you need to go to the store or take a walk with the dog? And what to do after returning from the street?
Before leaving, you can use barrier nasal sprays in advance (you can ask your doctor about them). Outdoors recommended wearing glasses that fit tightly to the face, or special nose filters that create a mechanical barrier can be used.
Returning home, you should change your clothes, take a shower, rinse your mouth, rinse your eyes and nasal passages.
What should allergy sufferers do who cannot isolate themselves and continue to go to work?
RecommendationsWHO recommendations for the population in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) for allergy sufferers are the same as for all people:
- avoid public crowded places;
- maintain a safe distance from other people;
- use disinfectants, if necessary, masks, gloves;
- do not forget to change them regularly;
- do not touch your face with your hands;
- wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after the street.
You need to be careful and listen to yourself - watch for the appearance of symptoms of the prodrome.
If allergy symptoms are taken by surprise, an antihistamine such as “Suprastin». The drug takes effect within half an hour after application and helps to cope with attacks of seasonal allergies.
The medicine comes in the form pills, and in the form of a solution for injection, which can be used even as an aid in the development of angioedema (angioedema). The drug is suitable for adults and children over 3 years old.
"Suprastin" can be used not only during flowering trees. It helps manage exposure to a wide variety of allergens, including food, medicine and insect bites.
Defeat allergies
There are contraindications. Before use, you must consult with a specialist.