5 diseases that everyone constantly heals on their own, but in vain
Health / / December 28, 2020
1. Osteochondrosis
Osteochondrosis is a very common diagnosis. According to some reportsOsteochondrosis: causes, symptoms, prevention, this disease affects from 40 to 90% of the world's population.
Osteochondrosis is attributed to pain in the neck, shoulders, back, lower back, headache of unknown origin, dizziness, and discomfort in the region of the heart.
How to treat osteochondrosis at home
There are a lot of recommendations: jump in place, hang on a horizontal bar, massage the back and limbs, perform "Swimming" circular movements with the shoulders, follow a diet mainly based on protein food ...
Why is it unnecessary and even dangerous to be treated like this?
The above methods of home treatment for osteochondrosis are not harmful. Even useful as it is part of a healthy lifestyle. But there is a nuance.
In short, the diagnosis of "osteochondrosis" in the form in which it is described above does not exist. In the current edition of the International Classifier of Diseases (ICD-10), this term denotes
Osteochondrosis a group of rare diseases associated with disruption of the normal development and growth of bones. As a rule, osteochondrosis begins in childhood and is considered a serious condition, as it sometimes leads to the destruction of a part of a joint or bone. The real disease, therefore, manifests itself by no means dizziness and mild pain.The big question is what exactly is "treated" at home. Most often, the diagnosis "osteochondrosis" is not entirely correct to mean simply a certain set of symptoms, the key of which is backache.
The problem is that the causes of back pain can be fundamentally different:
- muscle strain associated with lifting something heavy or sitting in one position for too long;
- scoliosis (unhealthy curvature of the spine);
- spinal hernia;
- myalgia - muscle pain caused by various factors, from hypothermia to prolonged stress;
- accidental injury;
- arthrosis of the joints of the spine, in which cartilage tissue is destroyed;
- tumors, inflammatory processes, diseases of internal organs, which signal about themselves by pain "reflected" in the back.
To really get rid of back pain, you first need to understand what exactly is causing it.
How to treat chronic osteochondrosis correctly
In order not to miss a dangerous condition, with discomfort (especially if it lasts for weeks, accompanied by a high temperature or prevents you from sleeping and leading a normal life), you should consult a doctor - therapist, orthopedist or surgeon.
Only a competent specialist, after conducting an examination and the necessary research, will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe exactly the treatment that will relieve you of pain in the neck, lower back, shoulders, back and other unpleasant side effects.
2. Chronic pancreatitis
Often this diagnosis is made simply on the basis of an ultrasound of the abdominal organs. "Increased echogenicity of the pancreas" or its "echogenic heterogeneity" against the background of the fact that the patient complains of regular nausea and soreness in the upper abdomen, often already a reason to write down the phrase "chronic pancreatitis ".
How to treat chronic pancreatitis at home
On the Internet, you can find a lot of options for the "treatment" of pancreatitis - this is both fasting and limited use liquids (50 milliliters every half hour), and the use of alcoholic tinctures of chicory, as well as pain relievers type no-shpy.
Why is it unnecessary and even dangerous to be treated like this?
Chronic pancreatitis (aka inflammation of the pancreas) is a very real diagnosis. Another question is that it is called a little more often than it should.
In fact, chronic pancreatitis is a rare disease.Definition & Facts for Pancreatitis. So, in the United States, about 86 thousand cases are diagnosed per year. With a population under 330 million, this is literally a fraction of a percent.
In addition, chronic inflammation of the pancreas cannot be established only on the basis of nausea, vague pain and ultrasound. Pancreatitis should have other characteristic symptoms. Most often it is pain in the upper right abdomen, which radiates to the back. Moreover, it is felt most of all about 15-30 minutes after eating. And the further the disease develops, the more distinct and longer such attacks become. There are other, narrower, but no less specific signs.
And here there is already a danger. Relying on "chronic pancreatitis", you run the risk of missing a much more serious disease, which is masked by about the same symptoms - up to oncology.
However, most often "chronic pancreatitis" by ultrasound is either functional dyspepsia or irritable bowel syndrome, which require individual treatment. And therapy is certainly not about fasting and taking no-shpa.
How to treat chronic pancreatitis correctly
The obligatory first step is making the correct diagnosis. To do this, you must pass at least a few tests.
The diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis is made after a 72-hour fecal fat excretion test or fecal elastase analysis, radiography, and ultrasound or computed tomography.
The financial side should not cause concern: "Family Doctor" will provide you with an impressive discount for a consultation with a specialized doctor based on research results.
Take care of yourself
3. Dysbacteriosis
Also a very common diagnosis. "Dysbacteriosis" is placed after a course of taking antibiotics, with the appearance of incomprehensible skin irritations, disturbances in the digestive tract.
To confirm the diagnosis, people are tested for dysbiosis. And they really get data that some bacteria in their intestines are not enough. This is where the "treatment" begins.
How to treat dysbiosis at home
Most often, it is recommended to drink yoghurts and kefirs with various bifidobacteria, as well as to take drugs "to restore and improve microflora."
Why is it unnecessary and even dangerous to be treated like this?
Dysbacteriosis is another diagnosis that does not existInternational classification of diseases 10th revision (ICD-10) in modern evidence-based medicine.
That is, of course, a person has health problems that are attributed to dysbiosis. But their reasons are completely different.
Analysis for dysbiosis is absolutely not indicative study. Thousands of bacteria live in the gastrointestinal tract, each person has an individual microbial landscape, which depends on the place and conditions of life, nutrition, diseases suffered. The so-called analysis shows only a couple of dozen of these microorganisms - out of thousands! Moreover, the results of the test taken today will differ from tomorrow's - simply because you ate different dishes and were in different conditions during the day.
Bottom line: you will spend money on yoghurts and unnecessary drugs. But the real cause of health problems from consuming Bifidobacterium yogurt isn't going anywhere. And this reason can be very serious.
How to treat dysbiosis correctly
Look for the cause of diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, increased gas production, skin irritation - in each case it is necessary individually.
Dozens of diseases and disorders of the digestive system can manifest themselves as symptoms of "dysbiosis": enzyme deficiency, celiac diseaseCeliac Disease - hereditary intolerance to cereal proteins, irritable bowel syndrome, food intolerance. Or maybe you just had lunch, forgetting to wash your hands, and this is a mild intestinal infection?
To make the correct diagnosis, you need to see a gastroenterologist. An experienced doctor will be able to understand the true causes of gastrointestinal ailments, will send you to necessary analyzes, competently decipher their results and determine the most effective way treatment.
4. Vegetovascular dystonia
It is on her that doctors often write off not too significant symptoms, the origin of which is difficult to understand. For example:
- cold limbs;
- increased heart rate;
- sometimes mild pain in the abdomen or chest;
- shaking hands;
- diarrhea or constipation not related to diet;
- weakness, dizziness;
- regular fainting.
How to treat vegetative dystonia at home
Often connoisseurs of traditional medicine to "cleanse and strengthen blood vessels." To do this, they take herbal infusions or drugs designed to improve blood circulation and the condition of the walls of blood vessels.
Also popular is "detoxification" of the body - in the form of fasting or, for example, taking pharmacy purified clay.
Why is it unnecessary and even dangerous to be treated like this?
In the International Classifier of Diseases ICD-10Somatoform autonomic dysfunction vegetative-vascular dystonia is a synonym for neurocirculatory asthenia, cardiac neurosis and somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. So the definition of “vegetative-vascular dystonia” cannot be called “Soviet invention” (sometimes such versions are heard). But there are nuances.
Vague symptoms of VSD can hide completely different diagnoses. For example, trembling hands, a rapid heartbeat, and rolling attacks of weakness may well be signs of thyroid disease. Or iron deficiency anemia. Or problems with the cardiovascular system.
"Cleaning and strengthening of blood vessels" such diseases are not treated. While the patient is experimenting, the true (not VSD) ailment progresses - and at some point can manifest itself with much more significant and dangerous symptoms.
Therefore, it is extremely important not to blame the weirdness in health on the popular vegetative-vascular dystonia, but to go to the doctor and get to the bottom of the true reasons.
How to treat vegetative dystonia correctly
Again, a critical point: First, you need to establish the real diagnosis that caused your symptoms.
Since the symptoms are vague in this case, try to find a truly professional therapist. Only a professional, after listening to your complaints and conducting an examination, will be able to assume this or that problem and will offer you to pass the appropriate tests.
It is not a fact that the true disease will be established immediately. A consultation of doctors may be required. Therefore, regarding vegetative-vascular dystonia, you should contact reputable medical centers, which have:
- extensive resources for diagnosis. This is not only about the biochemical laboratory, but also about hardware diagnostics;
- the opportunity to consult doctors of different specialties. And it is desirable that these doctors did not have the level of a district therapist, but were candidates or doctors of medical sciences with extensive theoretical and practical training.
5. Chronic prostatitis
Again, a popular but slippery diagnosis. A man comes to the urologist with a complaint about problems in the genitourinary sphere: strange sensations when urinating, pain in the perineum, or, let's say, difficulty with an erection. The doctor looks at the age, at the "problem" - and diagnoses "chronic prostatitis". That is, chronic inflammation of the prostate, due to which the prostate gland swells, increases in size and can provoke the named discomfort.
How to treat prostatitis at home
Many people try to treat an enlarged prostate massage prostate gland, exercise, stress avoidance, taking a variety of pharmaceutical drugs "to improve sexual function."
Why is it unnecessary and even dangerous to be treated like this?
Although the diagnosis of chronic prostatitis does existChronic Prostatitis, it is put much more often than it should. American professor Thomas Stamy (named after him a diagnostic urine test for chronic prostatitis Meers - Stamy) once calledPathogenesis and Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections this diagnosis is a "dustbin of clinical ignorance." The reason is that not the most professional urologists sometimes attribute to chronic prostatitis any symptoms that they cannot explain.
Meanwhile, behind "prostatitis" can hide other, sometimes even dangerous diseases - prostate adenoma, urolithiasis, narrowing of the urethra, even testicular tumor. And they require much more serious therapy.
How to treat chronic prostatitis correctly
Treatment should begin with a true diagnosis. Only a qualified urologist (and, possibly, a consultation of doctors) can handle this. And only after detailed diagnostic tests have been carried out. Only then, already having the established diagnosis in hand, the doctor will begin the appropriate therapy.
And we will repeat it again. Self-diagnosis and even more self-medication are dangerous for your health! It is unreasonable to treat what is not, while simultaneously losing sight of the true diagnosis. Ultimately, this approach can lead to the fact that one day you do find out what kind of illness tormented you. But already at the stage when the treatment will be useless.
Family and other programs have been developed, with which you can get a serious discount on examination and consultation with specialists. All information about your health condition will be stored in an electronic card. And only you and your doctors have access to it. You can sign up for a consultation online.
And if necessary, you can undergo treatment in a hospital of the hospital center. The same specialists who diagnosed you will be there to deal with your health.
See a doctor