In an interview with Vanity Fair, Ryan Johnson, director of Knives Out, shared an unusual fact about the iPhone in films. According to him, Apple allows the use of its smartphones in the frame - but only on condition that the device is not in the hands of the villain.
Here is the full quote (in the video the snippet starts at 2:50):
Apple allows iPhones to be shown in films, but - and this is very important in detective stories - villains cannot appear in the frame of the iPhone.
Perhaps every director who wanted to hide the real villain in the film now hates me.
Apple is known for its strict guidelines on how brand techniques can be used and shown in films. For example, some of the requirements that creators must fulfill in order to be able to display a brand's patented technique in movie, sounds like “products can only be shown in the best light, in a context that reflects the endorsement of Apple and its products ".
Indeed, if you think about it, positive characters usually use Apple's technique in films and TV shows. When the TV series "24" was released, fans had theorythat goodies use Macs and villains use Windows PCs. Funnily enough, it happened - and now you know why.
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