What should learn from the super agent
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Sez knows foreign languages
Obviously, for the work "behind enemy lines" real special agents to learn the language to another country does not look like a stranger. Knowledge of a foreign language more will not hurt anyone, and we need to take the example of heroes. The main thing - to want and start, a good level can achieve on their own.
- We decided to take on a completely unfamiliar language and do not know where to start? Take books for children younger classes. The ones in which everything is explained, starting with the alphabet, the simplest examples of children's pictures. So you will learn the most important words and the basic rules, and presentation of information seem so easy that the next step will not be difficult.
- Be sure to install a few apps for learning a foreign language. After two or three sessions with each of them you will know which system is more convenient for you, and will be able to give it more time. We have repeatedly written about what free apps allow to learn English (and not only him).
- From the first lessons you need to pay special attention to pronunciation. To correct formulation articulation -model front of the mirror every syllable. It is better to take the time and money for a few lessons, hire a tutor who specializes in the correctness of a foreign sound. Vocabulary and grammar to teach yourself a lot easier than the pronunciation.
- Do not limit academic program. Foreign language school no one will tell you how to talk on the streets in other countries. If traveling and exploring cultural features on the site is not planned, or at least sit in foreign forums and try to communicate with native speakers in a natural environment. You learn many interesting things and give odds to any translator. Films with subtitles in foreign and computer games also help you in this.
You need every day to engage in at least 10 minutes. But we understand that such a force will have super agent, but we have yet to grow and grow. Do yourself a favor and skip class, but no more than twice a week. Otherwise, you do not see progress.
Sez able to fight
It is difficult to imagine at least one story about the superspy in which there is a good fight. Martial arts - excellent training and strength, and endurance, and flexibility. But under the martial arts to understand and many karate schools, and sambo and boxing. Even outwardly they look completely different. How do you know that's right for you?
- Decide what you wish for. Maybe you want to be an "agent of the cinema", for you it is important to the ability to move gracefully. Maybe you dream about competitions and prizes in the ring. Perhaps your goal - a beautiful and strong body, and the actual warhead is not so interesting. Or maybe you just want to feel confident on a dark street and not be afraid of a fight without rules. From this and it depends on your choice.
- Sensibly assess themselves. Fragile girl, you sure you want to box? Maybe you will approach discipline at the intersection of combat and gymnastics, such as martial arts? But people with a large physique is better to think about the drums arts like Taekwondo.
- Look at the budget. Some studies require large investments: will have to pay not only the coaching, but also the form. And if your goal - the competition is to highlight a separate article on the road costs in different cities.
- Before you come to class pupil, stay viewer, better in a few schools. When you realize you want to be able to exactly go to the gym.
- Pay attention to coaching and the number of champions. If the school very few people involved, but each person has a certain distinction, this is not an indicator of a good training: most likely, there are too easy to get a new title. To be the best, you need healthy competition.
- Do not be afraid to change direction if you do not like something. It may well be that you are not good at one sport, but the other will be able to achieve noticeable results in a matter of months. A martial arts are so diverse that it is applicable to them.
And remember that there are no spyware and no chases stories. So it's time to start running! Since running strengthens the entire body, it will help you in combat sports.
Sez - computer genius
Crack the password to the most secret program the most secret organization in the most secret computer for a minute? Easy!
In real life, of course, does not happen. But your technological literacy must extend much further than the simple user. So the language list to be studied, add a couple of programming languages. And while you are doing this, start the pump and other skills.
- Eliminate all the damage with his own hands. Start with a relatively simple: reinstall your system, your home network settings, connection of different devices. Then you can begin to repair anything that is broken, on the software and hardware level. To take courage and cunning to get into code or iron, imagine that it is not your computer before you go haywire, but someone's secret. And you need to go to find out what and how to work here.
- To ensure that your experiments are not ended in failure, always make backups and duplicate critical data. Then there will be a pity dolman what does not work.
- If you do not know anything about computers, do the same as in the study of a foreign language: start with children's books. Do you want to program? For this is games. You want to know all about the hardware? Try to learn soldering with Arduino.
- Looking for information on foreign resources, and at the same time to tighten the language.
The study of everything related to information technology - open for self topic. No courses and textbooks will not give you more than trying on its own to solve all the problems. On specialized forums can be a few months to grow out of total "pot" in this spec.
Sez can be attractive
Agents can not only lost in the crowd, but also to attract attention. After all, it may be necessary to collect information: charismatic, likable person will tell more. There are a number of simple psychological techniques to help set up a person on a friendly footing.
Learn to pay compliments. The main thing - do not overdo it and do not slip into outright flattery, which alerted anyone. It is better to build a conversation so that the person himself praised. Say, for example: "What you have good shoes! It is necessary to appreciate the quality, to choose the right shoes! "You'll see, he will tell the interlocutor that he knows a lot about good things.
Be sure to ask questions not only about the fact that you are actually interested in, but also about the interlocutor. Get ready to hear a half-hour monologue in response to the usual "How are you?". In fact, very few people are interested in the life of another person. If you give a chance to talk at once earn the trust of the interlocutor.
Think about whether you have a component of personality as charisma. This is a mysterious phenomenon that helps to win a stranger, worthy of a separate articles - learn it and go for it.
Show that your companion is smarter than you (we know who is the real super-agent, but it's a secret). Deliberately make a mistake in their reasoning to you opponent corrected. Immediately recognize that he was right - and the person you have on the hook.
We'll have to study the body language and use it to dispose of his people. Gestures and movements are many, but the first thing that you need to master - good posture. Straight back and at the same time relaxed posture will show that you are confident and are set to positive.
Sez never hurts
Snow and rain overweening special agents who are able to swim in the icy water be chilled by the wind, to spend a day in the snow-covered wilderness, and at the same time feel great. Can you imagine James Bond, who refuses to catch criminals because of the common cold? Maybe we do not need to conquer America waterfalls and ice of Antarctica, but in the spring, when the weather changes, you need to prepare for unpleasant surprises such as colds.
Fight viruses (which basically cause a runny nose and a headache) is not easy. Need to monitor the immunity, eat right, and a lot of walking. And when all the same disease you caught, the symptoms should not interfere with normal life.
For certain special agents of the movie has some sort of magic pill. We have to do without magic available in every pharmacy drugs. Such as Rinzai® and RINZAsip®.
Their composition is:
- paracetamol - high temperature and headache;
- Phenylephrine and pheniramine - from nasal congestion and itching;
- Vitamin C - to strengthen the body;
- Caffeine - for courage and strength.
Enough to not be distracted from the affairs of the common cold and headache. Consider it your super weapon in the fight against colds and flu.
To learn more
In drug contraindications. Prior to use, be sure to consult with a specialist.