Where does the heaviness in the stomach come from and what to do with it
Educational Program Health / / December 28, 2020
We understand when a heaviness in the abdomen is normal, and in what cases it is a dangerous symptom.
To get acquainted with this condition, it is enough to overeat. A satisfying feeling of heavinessStomach Heaviness. What is it and How to Prevent It? in the stomach, usually accompanied by a desire to take a nap. And it passes without a trace literally 30-40 minutes after the meal.
This is totally normal. However, overeating is far from the only cause of heaviness in the stomach. There are others, much more unpleasant.
What symptoms of heaviness in the stomach can indicate problems?
The severity in the stomach is an individual thing. It manifests itself differently in every person. Most often, in addition to the severity itself, there are such symptomsHeaviness in Stomach - one or more:
- heartburn;
- belching;
- bloating;
- mild nausea;
- bad breath;
- lethargy;
- drowsiness;
- bursting, painful sensations in the abdomen.
The key point is that all these unpleasant sensations disappear within an hour at most. And they reappear only after you again ate too much food that your stomach simply could not quickly send to the intestines.
But if the feeling of heaviness lasts for hours or occurs constantly, although you eat very little, you need to consult a gastroenterologist. In the very near future. It is important.
When to Seek Help Immediately
Go to the emergency room or call an ambulance if you experience any of the following symptoms in addition to a heaviness in your stomach:
- find it difficult to swallow or breathe;
- vomiting of blood is present;
- there is blood in your stool;
- your temperature has risen - up to 38 ℃ and above;
- there are painful sensations in the chest.
Where does the heaviness in the stomach come from?
More often than not, the feeling of heaviness in the stomach is just a consequence of your eating habits. Such as:
- overeating - when you knowingly eat more food than is necessary to get enough;
- tendency to eat too often;
- the habit of eating very quickly, chewing food poorly and swallowing air;
- addiction to fatty or heavily seasoned foods;
- excessive consumption of foods that are difficult to digest (these includeEasy to Digest Foods: What to Eat and Avoid(e.g. raw vegetables, tough, fibrous meats, soda and caffeinated drinks).
But sometimes a latent disease is the cause of the regular bursting sensation in the stomach. This symptom manifests itself:
- food allergies;
- gastritis;
- hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm;
- pancreatitis;
- gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD);
- esophagitis;
- peptic ulcers;
- stomach cancerStomach cancer.
How to get rid of a heaviness in the stomach
The answer to this question depends on the reasons for the discomfort.
What to do if a heaviness in the stomach occurs immediately after eating
Most often, to overcome the unpleasant sensation, it is enough to slightly change the lifestyle:
- Try to eat in moderation without overeating.
- Avoid oily, spicy, or indigestible foods. Or at least reduce its amount in the diet and see the effect.
- Eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly.
- Limit or eliminate alcohol and caffeinated beverages.
- Go in for sports. Regular physical activity improves the condition of the digestive system.
- Be less nervous, learn to manage stress.
To reduce the heaviness in the stomach right now, some doctors recommendHow do I deal with the heaviness in my stomach after having lunch? drinking water with lemon (juice of one lemon for half a glass of warm liquid) - this can help. Just keep in mind: such home methods can only be used if the discomfort is caused by overeating and your therapist, with whom you previously consulted, does not mind.
What to do if the heaviness in the stomach is not related to the amount of food eaten
But here it is better not to experiment with lemon and other alternative methods. Go to the gastroenterologist.
The doctor will listen to your story about symptoms, will inspect. Perhaps he will ask for a blood and feces test, go for an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, or suggest other tests. Depending on the results and the diagnosis, treatment will be prescribed.
After you have overcome the underlying disease, the feeling of heaviness in the stomach will recede by itself.
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