Jobs: Sergey Slavinskiy, director of branding agency Syndicated Brands
Workplaces / / December 27, 2019
Sergey Slavinskiy
Director of Syndicated Brands Ltd., a teacher of the British Higher School of Design (British Higher School of Arf and Design, D & AD), author of the popular blog about marketing and branding.
What do you do in your work?
The main responsibility lies solely on me - it is meeting with clients. Real or virtual. The rest - this is the work on concepts, analysis and synthesis. Administrative work takes very little time, as well as planning. The advantage of small companies is that they are easier to manage and easier to interact with their customers. Without prejudice to the business prospects, of course.
D projects is difficult to say. On most of them, we are bound hand and foot by a nondisclosure agreement, and many of them for a long time does not appear in the portfolio. Yes, and I know no more of him, and the popular blog about brandingI soon 10 years as the lead in the LJ (with echoes of Facebook and "VKontakte", of course).
How does your workplace?
My workplace - this is, first of all, my head. How it looks it depends on how long I have not been to the hairdresser. :)
And if de facto, in my "home office" where my workplace - this is a large table with a couple of iMac and perpetual disorder. Apart from these, there are probably all major Apple products, except for laptops. I think one of the iMac to change it in the near future.
Apple has become the technique I use in 2001. At first it was a PowerBook with a titanium case, then PowerMac with mirrored doors and a fantastic HD Cinema Display on three legs. I love it when technical solutions fit into the interior, and do not attract much attention. I hate wires and cables, although completely get rid of them fails.
There is still a giant Epson Stylus Pro 4800. It occupies a square meter of cabinet space, but worth it. This is the best device for professional printing, helps with prototyping.
We plan to acquire these goals of 3D-printers, but it is more the result of the quality and speed of its achievement was a little small. I think it will take a year or two, and will resolve this issue. Prototyping we present in each project, if it is not related to the digital environment.
Outside the workplace, I do not work. Therefore, mobile gadgets rather for information than for its creation or treatment. Oh, and for planning, although I try to keep everything in your head. This helps in including to think better - supports the brain in good shape.
Previously, he took with him the iPad, but a month ago it was replaced on iPhone Plus, and life has become easier. How literally and figuratively: to carry the iPhone and iPad at the same time has lost all meaning.
What software use?
I do not support an abundance of software. Its my little scary.
Always I tried to create a minimum flow of information with which to work. Up to the fact that we are simultaneously working with a very small number of clients, building orders in place, rather than in parallel. This significantly reduces the traffic load (including me), allows you to focus and not be distracted. Stepwise approach significantly increases the effectiveness of communication and minimize turnaround time.
As you can imagine, operating system - Mac OS X (started with nine more, but quickly abandoned). In addition to its package of Google Apps, which we use in conjunction with the team, and even with some customers, as well as the Adobe Creative Cloud (too corporate). Still there is a truncated version of Rinoceros for viewing of 3D-models. Here, perhaps, and all.
Yes, there is a beautiful Evernote, but I did not go to it. Have Office installed, but it does not work very stable, so we from him virtually abandoned. Basically, we use basic programs that go with the operating system:
- Mail for messages;
- Safari for surfing.
However, to work with Google Apps personally I use Chrome. Easier for me to switch from the working environment in the communication environment, wandering between windows and screens, not tabs. :)
Online almost always. I try whenever possible to respond immediately.
Letters sorted on new requests are answered within three weekdays. On business issues all the time try to be in communication. But usually with the help of instant messengers. I use them more than the mail.
Skype, Messenger, Hangouts, Viber - customers choose any convenient way to interact with us. Each other, we often use Skype, Messenger. But we try to move to a single standard - Google Hangouts. Cloud and office solutions Google tools, in my opinion, the best.
More use Mac OS Hangout feature. It allows you to answer a phone call from any device that is in the network - Mac, iPad, iPhone. The phone rang in his pocket, and said with the iPad, which wallow. Very comfortably.
Well, for myself I use Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram less (only for dogs) and various news apps on the smartphone. For personal communication often use it than the work computer.
How do you organize your time?
I've tried various methods of organization and planning time. I did not like. Therefore, for a long time to build their comfort system and it seems to have found.
I would like to manage your time, and formalizing and planning the opposite effect: you become hostage to it. Then work ceases to be fun. So, the efficiency falls and you become a "middling".
New business (Syndicated Brands) was created with this in mind. This does not mean that we are working as you want and whenever you want. We are doing business in the end. But this means that we take as much work "right now", how many are able to keep in mind. And it is, again, the main workspace.
Talk about planning, I prefer to talk about efficiency. The most important thing - it's time. Turnaround time, and on which depends planning. In most projects, we do not regulating: take as much time as we need. And customers are ready. Especially if we are talking about the structure, dispersed all over the world (Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Denmark, UK, USA, Canada, Brazil - is location of our specialists), then the issues of project management must be approached very flexible: all work at different speeds and in different time zones.
Hence delegating issues: need 200 percent confidence that the job will be done properly without constant monitoring. But it is necessary to delegate work. Proper delegation - a skill that distinguishes the head of the performer.
What's your daily routine?
I try to stick to the standard schedule, but the difference in time makes itself felt. Sometimes you have to contact, and in the morning - morning on the American continent.
But in general - the rise at 9:00, lights out in the morning. The most productive morning. Get started right away, have time to do a lot in the first half of the day. On the "creative" Take him to the second part: the original findings to stand at night, and then embodied in the paper in diagrams and tables.
Recently I found a cool program f.lux. It depends on the time of day changes the brightness of the monitor color, removes extra glow that excites the nervous system and does not allow then to fall asleep quickly if you use the computer late into the night. Now I try to see if it is effective. It seems to be helping.
What place sport occupies in your life?
I used swimming, fencing, riding a bike. Some time ago gave up everything and dream to come back. Who walks try to spend from 40 minutes to 2 hours per day. At least some load. But to call themselves sports can not. I hope it will pass.
How to pass the time in traffic jams?
It is because of traffic jams, I almost stopped to sit behind the wheel. Or rather not even "almost" and all. Firstly, I feel sorry for the time. Secondly, using the subway, you can clearly track the market trends and evaluate the state of the industry. Advertising, for example - a very good indicator.
When Subway ineffective, go with the driver. On the road, studying online resources: read the news, communicate in social networks, or simply watch what is happening around. Certainly not doing chores, and do not read books. Maximum - messenger or telephone.
I read books mostly on trains and planes. Accustom themselves to electronic, but there is something in the printed literature that appeals to me.
All my books ischirkany and scribbled notes. I type very fast, but in the book it's still easier to do. Till. Soon, I think, to rearrange e-books.
The relatively long journeys often listen to music. Basically classics. It helps to relax and think about something beautiful. :) In no case do not work. I do not understand how you can work productively at seven in the morning to train with shaking laptop on the table. I have never worked. Perhaps that is why the laptop I'm in no hurry to buy - will be gone one more opportunity bleeders.
Is there a place in your paper work?
Once you have asked this question, I realize that there is. Paper only layouts and designs. To work with the information is not used for a long time. Only if the print book.
Layfhakerstvo from Sergei Slavinskogo
Do not seek to be permanent employment. Rest helps to think qualitatively.
When a person thinks about the tasks not only from 10:00 to 18:00, it is necessary breaks for "doing nothing". It can catalyze the work. If you think about work after hours, on its own initiative and with pleasure, then you have found your dream job.
Is there a dream configuration?
I think that I have achieved it. Work with whom you want, how you want and when you want to, but with a decent financial result - is it not a dream? The most important resource - time. Once it irremediably. Does it make sense therefore have to spend it on something that slows down, annoying and, most importantly, does not promote development?
When you stop allowing others to steal your time, productivity varies. This is a task that must be addressed, reflecting the effective development and business, and yourself.
With such an approach might not make all at once, not to become the "number one" on the size of the market, but you can get much more: the pleasure of life and work, plus a serious gain in the long term term.