Jobs: Natalia Sturza, Head of UX-analysts "Modulbanka"
Workplaces / / December 27, 2019
Natalia Sturza
UX-analyst "Modulbanke". She previously worked as a project manager for Performance Media, developer of the company "1C" and the deputy director in the business incubator RANHiGS. She graduated from the North-Caucasus Federal University, studied TRIZ RANHiGS and entrepreneurship in the Cambridge Judge Business School.
What do you do in your work?
Best of all my work outlined CEO Markswebb Rank & Report Alexey Skobelev. He once posted a Facebook ad for an employee to the position of UX-analyst and admitted that he formulated the requirements to the candidate on the basis of what I do in the "Modulbanke". Specifically, the study and optimization of the user experience, report it to the whole team. User experience describes how at different stages of the life of our client interacts with a product, what emotions he gets where he had difficulties arise where we made a mistake and creates barriers that in this case you should correct.
UX-food hypothesis testing analyst, conducting in-depth interviews, examines the usability of the product, testing with users mockups, prototypes or finished products, engaged in web analytics. In other words, it combines the competence of good produktologa, sociologist and IT-specialists.
What is your occupation?
From the fifth class well versed in programming. Therefore, it entered the North-Caucasus Federal University and graduated from it in 2012. Specialty - "Applied Informatics in Economics".
Despite the name of the specialty, we have coached it to develop. But taught in the "dead languages", which are now almost never used: Pascal, Visual Basic, Delphi. Fortunately, at the university and was working with databases, and web development. Therefore, higher education has provided an adequate foundation for the professional experience of the superstructure. At the very beginning of his career, even writing code and was the developer.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Recently I read a book by Daniel Goleman's "Emotional Intelligence" and discovered a lot of new things. I well find common ground with people and I think that empathy - one of the most important competencies for UX-analyst. Working with people, learning the user experience, it is necessary not just to understand the person and actively empathize with him. It is important to learn to put ourselves in the place of another, to enter into his condition, to feel his "pain".
Of the weaknesses - I am lazy. I'm sure if I had not been lazy, have achieved much more.
How does your workplace?
We recently moved to a new office, now occupies an entire floor of the business center. This is a huge open space, accommodating the entire bank back office. It is home accounting, legal service, the service customer care. Even our senior managers do not hide in their offices and are usually always in sight.
My work place can be accurately determined from the whiteboard behind him, hung with colored stickers. My desk alternately turns into a terrible mess with mountains of papers, glasses, food and newspapers, it comes to a state where everything is ideally laid out on ticker (rarely).
For high availability is important to me to constantly change the place of deployment. During the day, to move from table to peregovorkam, pufam and sofas. Previously I went for cafe: there concentrate even more. Now no longer as constantly I need to communicate with colleagues.
Previously I used a laptop to Windows, Windows to program in, and when engaged in the development of sites, drawing, typeset also on it. But he weighed 2.5 kg, and at that time I used to go to study in Stavropol. I thought that buying a tablet will solve this problem. I worked a couple of months on the iPad, but when we have the ERP-system, I realized that it's terribly inconvenient. Soon there was an opportunity to compare Windows and Mac, and I'm used to the MacBook for two days.
Phone also Apple - iPhone 5. I do not chase all the novelties, I try to imagine only a fundamentally new. For example, I am now testing bracelet GoBe Healbe. It helps to monitor water balance, sleep quality, pulse, blood pressure, stress, calories and miles. All of this is displayed in a mobile application in the form of intelligence. For me the most important water: I try to train yourself to maintain a healthy balance.
With almost works a little, so I use the standard client. From the browser on your computer are Safari and Google Chrome. Safari was installed by default, and it offers everything. In Chrome, I view the source code, test applications, analyze scripts, that are installed on the site.
Constantly I use Google tools: spreadsheets, documents, presentations, analyst calendar. IN Trello we are open tasks of the board, one in which we are working to improve the processes of the work, the other - for setting the task editor. I also have their own board with the tasks of analytics. Now, however, we try and Teamwork "Bitrix" - everything is more structured. Messengers - Skype and Telegram (in our bank is the main tool of communication).
On the phone, of course, the application is installed "Modulbanka", a test version of its new prototype, which no one knows. More a lot of different applications to read: "liters», iBook, Bookmate. Applications are taxi "Yandex. Taxi », Uber, Gett, but I use most often first. Regularly I go running, so no RunKeeper too, anywhere. Both with and without social networks "VKontakte», Facebook, Instagram, Periscope, Couchsurfing.
Is there a place in your paper work?
It periodically appears and disappears. Notebook are good that you record yourself daily tasks and they are always before my eyes. At the meetings, you can take notes, writing for himself the important points. Still in the notebook can show off - I love it. Paper and pen develop creativity, involve fine motor skills, which stimulates the brain.
But it's not structured. To structure the data, I usually stand them in electronic format.
What is in your bag?
Laptop, notebook, mobile phone, a bunch of wires, bank cards, discount cards and some driver's license.
However, I do not drive a car yet. I think that the car is in Moscow - is not justified, as long as you do not have a family and child. Often I ride on the subway and gaze at people. I had read the book, and now not doing anything. Important to me that hour, while food from home to work, to concentrate on, tune in, consider the current tasks.
How do you organize your time?
All tasks are recorded in the notes on the MacBook, in Trello, and a notepad. We always put the team goals for the month, of which there is a plan for each week. Tasks within weeks the plan hit the board in Trello and go to work. Along the way, come other tasks that fall to the same. Of fortnightly releases develop added tasks to the analysts setting that get on your board.
What's your daily routine?
I am an owl. Usually I wake up in the morning hard. When you do not do yoga, sleep until 9 am, for 11-12 hours - in the office. But in recent years due to yoga I start to wake up early if the night devote an hour on asanas, missing and five hours to sleep.
The most productive time for me - from three days to three nights. I go to bed, respectively, in two or three nights.
What's your hobby?
Yoga, running, biking, books, and more wine and cooking fish. At school one summer read all of Dostoevsky, and he did not seem boring, but "War and Peace" has not mastered. Tolstoy's description of how perfectly blue sky above your head, can take eight pages. For me, there is too much water.
I do yoga twice a week and sometimes after running: very soothing and balances emotions choleric. Become reasonable, you look at life a little differently.
After she started practicing yoga, I stopped eating meat - his body just does not want. It happened before, woke up in the morning with the thought that I want madly huge fried steak, and while not eat, do not let go. Who does not want to. And sweet with milk too.
What place sport occupies in your life?
Great sport relieves stress, develops emotional and physical endurance, learn to control their emotions. It's a wonderful feeling when you feel that every cell in the body works. The main thing - not to force the body to excessive load, which he did not like.
I run three times a week. Now the coach turn on a new technique: the distance yet to six kilometers, because the load goes to the other muscle groups. My goal in the fall - to run 15 kilometers in comfort mode without going to the step.
Layfhakerstvo by Natalia Sturza
Now a lot of books that are swollen to 12 600 pages of thoughts. For some reason, the writers think that if dilute these 12 thoughts with water, examples of life and dialogue, they will reach the reader better. I have the same impression appears that I have earned.
here booksI really recommend it.
- Chan Kim and Renee Moborn - "Blue ocean strategy. How to find or create a market, free from other players». The book, which should be read at least every business strategist and a maximum of every product manager. It contains an interesting methodology for development of new products, test ideas and comparisons with competitors. For each item, and the method is given an example of the unwrapped, as it did in this or that company. Written very specific industry language (saturation something like physics textbook for high school), but this only more interesting.
- Daniel Goleman - "Emotional intelligence». A book that should be read any adult person to better understand themselves and understand the actions of other people.
- Cindy Alvarez - "How to create a product that will buy. Method Lean Customer Development». I am often asked to give useful links UX and custdev. In fact, all the most useful is in the network - should google and read. But here is a book I will not say that it is very steep, to the Russian reality fits percent to twenty and a bit outdated, but overall gives a good foundation, so it is worth reading.
- Alan Cooper - "Mental hospital patients in the hands of». I read a long time ago. This book will change your paradigm, "people are our product exactly the way I think" in the direction of building interfaces based on user experience.
- Robert Sutton - "Do not use the m * Dacians. And what if they are all around you». Not enough to be a professional, you need to be a good person. Be good - not to distribute alms and feed homeless cats (which is also positive). Here we have in mind that a good man is not fueled ego and self-esteem at the expense of colleagues and subordinates.
- Jim Collins - "From good to great. Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Do not ...». The book is about the great companies, the quality of good managers and how they differ from normal.
- Ayn Rand - "A source». For me, this book is about the personality, talent, their own way of unruly monster of public opinion. This monster has no brain and consciousness, in order to distinguish talent from role models. It is watching you, out of his mouth dripping saliva is poisonous, it is ready to pounce at any moment. You're trying to move away, saying, "But I did not do anything wrong, did not bring harm to anyone." But in his eyes there is no reason. You want to be understood, but your efforts in vain.
Blogs and Websites
Recently started to use Facebook a tool for saving links, and this is what is there for me.
- Blog Sasha Volkova about texts.
- Blog Luda Sarychev of texts and editing.
- Blog Sergei King - also on the texts.
- - blog about analytics tools.
- - again about the analyst.
- - all about Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager advanced level.
- interfaces Psychophysiology - a huge cool longrid.
- Not very frequently updated, but always leave the most interesting articles from the alternative or innovative approach to solving the problems of intelligence.
- Here the vast amount of content both for beginners and for those who write great code in JS-GTM, materials are frequently updated.
- Community GTM in G +. It's cool that it publish the posts people such as product manager GTM Lucas Bergstrom, senior analyst Julien Hub'Scan Kok, CEO Ninja Yehoshua Koren, evangelist analyst Justin Catron Google, Google engineer Brian Kuhn and many others.
What is your life motto?
Come to mind two of the motto: never stop to self-development and to take pleasure in any process.
If there is something you do not like to do, it is necessary to make this activity started to bear pleasure. Make lemonade out of lemons, so to speak. And yet it is important to overcome their barriers. Suppose you know that as a professional you prevent growing fear of public speaking. So, we must take up this seriously, give up to maximum effort, not to drool.