Jobs: Vitaly Kryukov, founder YouDance school dances
Workplaces / / December 27, 2019
Vitaly Kryukov
Businessman. Director General of the International YouDance school dances, co-owner Like photoschool and schools of martial arts YouFight. He graduated from the Academy of Federal Security Service.
What do you do in your work?
My main activity is connected with the dance school YouDance. We specialize in Hustle. At the moment, we have seven dance halls in Moscow and several branches that are open for the franchise in other cities.
As I head primarily engaged in the strategic development and marketing. But sometimes included in the issues of management, recruitment, work sales department.
I am inspired by the great performance of the system scale, built from the ground up.
Dance School - the main direction of my activity. But not the only one. More at the University I launched online store of accessories for alcohol. I also have a joint business, open a franchise, - Online Newspaper Like. In February, we opened more YouFight martial arts school.
What is your occupation?
I graduated from the military academy, but, as can be seen, education does not become the deciding factor in the choice of fields of activity.
In my opinion, if initially understand why you cum, the question "Is it worth it to spend time learning?" Is no longer relevant. It is more difficult, if not confident in their chosen profession. But throwing studies also not worth it. The university taught to learn, and this is perhaps the most important skill in life. In addition, a student can get acquainted with many interesting people.
In short, it is important to be able to take advantage of opportunities. I, for example, in the third year almost accidentally hit the dance studio. I began to dance, to sink into the atmosphere. And the longer worked, the more interest is the organization of the school in terms of business. He suggested that the head of the school, which went about improving the plan, but did not support my initiative. "I had to" open his own school.
Do you need a lot of money to run a business?
To open the first school, I needed a small amount - about 200 thousand rubles. These were my personal savings. The main costs were associated with the rental of the hall and initial marketing. Over the next year we are continually reinvested earnings growth in the school.
How difficult in today's realities to open and run a business?
It creates more and more conditions to make life easier for entrepreneurs. They can be divided into two directions.
- The first - is to help in complying with the legal requirements. This includes the patent form of taxation and the tax procedure. About the giant of all, I have only heard from the older generation.
- The second - direct business support. Here, for me, the rule "water does not flow under a lying stone". In my opinion, this kind of aid should not push the lifeless business system, and to develop and scale well-established processes that have proven their worth. For example, we are now beginning to work with the Department of Culture of Moscow and has already participated in the Moscow cultural forum in the "Arena".
What should know and be able to a person working in your field?
If we talk about small business, the modern realities of the entrepreneur needs to understand marketing and sales. When I started to deal with an online store, absorbing information like a sponge: watching videos "Business youth" studied "Yandex. Direct "and Google AdWords, especially promotion in social networks. This knowledge is very helpful at school dances and development in the early stages of follow-up projects.
Later the entrepreneur is given a more global issues, and simple tasks to outsource. We have, for example, at the moment fully outsourced accounting, legal and HR. These points require a responsible attitude, thoroughness, accuracy and confidence. Glad Found implementing appropriate level.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
When I enjoy something, I drags others. Will it be skydiving, paintball tournaments or dancing - it does not matter. I do not like to do something alone, and as a result manages to gather a great team.
I also like to get to the point. For example, in testing any marketing tool. I do not stop until I do not understand how to most effectively use it in my project.
On the border between good and bad qualities should perfectionism. On the one hand, this is good. Rarely allowing the release of enough quality product. But because of the same features and sub-half of the projects never saw the light.
To poor quality can include inability to concentrate on something one. Many purposes, and it is sometimes difficult to focus. So you have to choose priorities.
How does your workplace?
It is rather conservative: table lamp, MacBook Air, iPhone, more color pages and a fountain pen. More I use Apple Watch. For many, this is a controversial accessory, but not for me.
From any equipment, except for "apple", I deliberately refused. I do not understand how it is possible to wait until the next time otvisnet Android or Windows. important to me that everything is synchronized, and all working materials are available through the clouds.
I like to work in cafes and restaurants with quiet music and without the noisy companies, with delicious cuisine and a good Wi-Fi. I tried to work coworking, But the situation did not like.
From time to time I stop in one of our ballrooms and work from there. Just sit down in a corner or at the reception, and sometimes climb into the hall on the window sill, open the laptop - and go. I was not distracting or loud music or talk. I can fully immerse themselves in the work and did not even notice that the lesson came to an end.
I do not teach, and just dance now quite rare. Skill teachers in my school are much higher than mine, and everyone should mind his own business. I learned how to dance to a certain level and can get pleasure from a pair of dance at the party. At the moment, I am enough.
- Browser - Safari. Everything is convenient, all in their places. I love it when the case.
- Mail client - Inbox. Quick, reliable, controlled by a few clicks.
- Messenger - Telegram. Is there something better? I sometimes write in WhatsApp, but I do not like.
- A repository of information - «Google Drive."
- Text editors - «Google Documents" and Pages. Available on all devices, which is great. Once upon a time used Microsoft Office. But macOS have some truncated version turned out.
- Calendars - the standard for Mac plus «Google Calendar." Also synchronized on all devices.
Favorite Services:
- MindMeister - to create card ideas. For an extra charge, but for structuring nothing better than no information. Clearly and quickly, you can control the cards even hours. I have absolutely mayndmepy for all projects, not just workers.
- Todoist - Easy "tudushka" to monitor the implementation of tasks. There I set myself the task and assistant for all projects and subprojects. All the necessary functionality is even in the free version.
Most notices me off. After purchasing wearable pushes from social networks lasted exactly one hour. The only notice that remained from Todoist and Telegram (there is almost everything is always short and to the point).
Is there a place in your paper work?
In my work, the paper is present in different forms. I love to write. All surprised my handwriting. I write in different media, but especially like the dense color A4 sheets. Procuring their blocks. For each project I have a different color: a dance school - blue, martial arts school - the red, the color personal projects - yellow and so on.
Also, always carry a Moleskine. Why is this brand? Rich in history, the excellent quality, a huge range of formats, razlinovok, paper weight.
I am inclined to think that when you buy an expensive paper, notebook, pen, it is not going to strike sharply that anyhow and just. In written there its value.
What is in your bag?
With me is almost always a laptop, phone, colored sheets, notebook, pen.
The trips are added charge for all equipment and accessories for personal care, one or two sets of clothes, depending on the format of the trip, dance shoes. More I take with me a couple of books. I do not feel much pleasure from reading the screen, respect the printed literature. Books, of course, add extra kilogram to the baggage, but I do not see this as a problem.
How do you organize your time?
I read a lot of literature on time management. For a while he worked in Arkhangelsk, but something is not grown together with frogs.
Closer something like Pomodoro. I start the timer for 15 minutes and do only the work that is focused on anything. Sometimes 15 minutes stretched to an hour - is just to start.
If we talk about the short, medium and long-term plans, that for myself I call their actions, objectives and goals. Nearly every day (except on weekends, which may not coincide with the generally accepted) make a list of two - six ordinary and one of the main action. I take them out of the scheduler (Todoist) and thoughts cards (MindMeister). The plan is required to stand on the paper. This list - the first thing I see on the desktop after you wake up.
Medium Term - it plans for the next month. Most often it is the monetary indicators, which later go action on each of the days.
Long-term planning - this is the goal for the coming years. This is the foundation of development. Without them if they will move it from the category of "where the curve displays." This is not for me.
How do you feel about the delegation of authority?
There is a nice anecdote on the subject of the man, who opened a brothel and worked alone, because this is still a startup.
In the first stage, sometimes really have to do everything yourself. But the "one game" ends overexertion and exhaustion. I myself have made mistakes. I do not understand why this or that person joined the company.
The second mistake is called "Get away, I'll do better."
For the entrepreneur it is important to be able to go to the next level - to begin to hire staff and to delegate authority to them.
We can solve the first problem, answer a simple question:
- Why this man here?
- What values he will bring to the company?
- What benefit it will bring and what benefit he will receive?
To ask them, of course, you need to before the person on the job. Life hacking from personal experience if desired answer these questions correctly formulate and give the HR-specialists, it will create a cool job and find exactly the person what you need.
The second problem is solved by hiring employees who are in their area cooler than you. This is related to certain fears, but it is an inevitable step for further growth. Well it is impossible to build a business without delegating: acting formula 1 + 1 = 11.
What's your daily routine?
Open a business, the first time I worked very hard. At the same time he is trying to be "right" - to get up early and run in the mornings. My friends and I even paid money to each other, if someone does not upload photos from the morning run. But, frankly, it was all through force.
The next step was to work a pleasure: waking up to three to six in the morning and sleep until dinner. It was nice to sleep till noon, after 20 years of school, academy and work for his uncle. Sometimes came to the ridiculous: I eat breakfast, but my friends have already returned to work. In general, there is nothing good in this chart. Popolunochnichat try to verify this.
I am happy because I live.
At the moment I came to the schedule, which want to keep. The course on the early climbs, but without fanaticism. You should not force yourself, the body itself knows when he is comfortable getting up. Now I wake up at about seven to nine in the morning (without an alarm clock!), Depending on what time of lay.
How to pass the time in traffic jams?
My schedule allows me to go to Moscow without traffic jams. But if has managed, for me it is an occasion to call for those who wanted to, and to look into the social networks.
What's your hobby?
I loved to dance, but dance of the hobby turned into a business and lifestyle.
My dream is to dance culture was for everyone in our country.
Frankly, I have already forgotten what the "rest" in the conventional sense of the word. When you are doing work on the fact that like it, just do not get tired.
If we talk about, for what I can leave work for the day, it is skydiving. I love these incredible emotions and the feeling of free fall.
Still quite a lot of reading: 50% of books - fiction, 25% - business and marketing, 25% - psychology. Seriously interested in reading started in the second year of the Academy. Then I was so captured that read two or three books a day. Since I prefer paper books, collected quite a large library.
Layfhakerstvo by Vitaly Kryukov
- «Atlas Shrugged"Ayn Rand. This is one of the first books I read, when I began to respect the literature.
- «green king"Paul-Loup Sulitzer. The book is about the scale of the will, which is impossible. Required reading.
- «life technology. Book for heroes"Vladimir Tarasov. Re-read more than seven times. Hard to believe that in such a small book contains so much sense.
Movies and Series
I'm still on the show Lost realized that these guys want to take a lot of my time. In this regard, sitcoms - a dangerous thing. And the biggest plus about them is that they come to an end. I think serials bad habit, which is worth fighting for.
Another thing - a movie. I love quality films and often go to the cinema to the premieres with a rating of "kinopoisk" above sevens. Of favorite pictures "The Shawshank Redemption», «Judge», «Scent of a woman».
- «Five secrets of a real man"- happy to revise once per six months.
- "Business secrets with Oleg Tinkoff" - both parts. A talented entrepreneur who serves as an example to many, including me.
What is your life motto?
Do just what you like a longer life. Otherwise, why?
(Photos Eugene Horuzhei and Dmitry Obukhov.)