Jobs: Andrew Sudnik, founder service "Alola"
Workplaces / / December 27, 2019
Andrew Sudnik
Founder and CEO of "Alola." He graduated from St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, specialty - "Economy and management at the enterprise." He worked on the launch of the regional market of production company "Veda" and the release of the NGO "Streamer" to the international market. In 2015, with the partners launched the Places application, which grew into a project "Alola."
What do you do in your work?
All my work is focused on shopping messenger "Alola». Our goal - to make purchases from their mobile devices more convenient.
I run the company, responsible for the strategy and actively participate in the development of the product itself.
What is your occupation?
I graduated from the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The first specialty - economics and management at the enterprise. But I was always interested in people as an area of knowledge. Therefore, later joined by another psihfak.
It was an interesting period in my life - the flow of discoveries and knowledge that will be useful for self-knowledge and career.
More than 20 years working experience look like this. At first he worked in small companies sales representative, the head of the sales department manager. Then he was director of logistics and the development already in larger companies. As a result, he became executive director of the group companies, and then opened his own business.
How does your workplace?
On my desktop creative emptiness.
Everything that used to be on pieces of paper, migrated to the cloud, accessible from all gadgets. I'm not one of those who continue to print to read, make changes, and so on.
You know, at one point in schools we have introduced electronic journals and magazines for teachers, but not abolished the paper. People are suffering and do double duty. From such processes must be disposed of in favor of efficiency.
The choice of gadgets I am no different from the majority of his colleagues, and work for Apple. I have a 21.5-inch iMac, iPhone 7 Plus and iPad Pro 12,9 inch. Conveniently, when everything in the same ecosystem.
I want to say about the iPad Pro with Apple Pencil. This pair I fully replace the laptop and notebooks. The gadget, of course, expensive, but still good value for money - would highly recommend.
I really like google Inbox. And I use it as a task manager, converting emails into tasks. I tried all the Task Manager, but in the end had come here to such a format.
«Google Docs" is used instead of Microsoft Office.
For efficient use of communication by all messengers. But the main two: Telegram for business and personal communications, "Alola" for shopping. The Telegram is fixed in the tape priority chats with project teams. Each chat message is attached with reference to the project navigator. This is a document with the priorities and deadlines, areas of responsibility and performers.
During the year, we are working on "Alola" I made hundreds of presentations in different formats and variations. Very rescued «Google Presentations" and Prezi, and Tilda for Landing and Adobe Spark for video presentations.
Now, when new employees come into the company, I ask them to master these tools so that they can independently and quickly make Landing and presentation for every application.
I can also recommend the following programs and services.
- Tailor - easy to take screenshots without height restrictions.
- iCaller - if you have a lot of calls, this stuff is useful for fast access to the right contacts.
- MindNode - to create schemes and mind maps.
- Omnigraffle - also schemes for rendering.
- Notability - handy to take notes, write dialogues meetings and so on.
- Memorando - toy for comprehensive brain training, 15 minutes in the morning - and you're in good shape.
What is in your bag?
iPad Pro with Apple Pencil, extra battery for devices and shorts with glasses for swimming, to drop into the pool at any opportunity.
How do you organize your time?
As already I said, tried a great number of task-managers to understand what the best system - this is my brain.
Only the brain can determine what is important and focus on that consciousness and senses. The rest do not need to be stored either in memory or in the phone or on the server.
But this applies only to personal problems.
Command tasks can be effectively controlled in only one way: first, to delegate, and then become an assistant to his colleagues.
We try to follow the horizontal structure. Everyone can choose their role in the soul, the most suitable for the tasks and responsibilities. All refer to each other as "thou," and by name.
This approach encourages exercise more initiative, more willing to take on the work, to be open to each other and freely discuss issues. This is certainly not a panacea for all the difficulties in the process. Sometimes we argue, swear, reconciled. :)
For each project, we create a navigator - in the «Google Docs" - in which formulated key messages, milestones, responsibilities and links to all related documents.
planning cycles - a two-week sprints. All meetings and calls are planned, sudden meetings do not happen ever. Their length is rarely more than 45 minutes, because there is always training. Operational issues are discussed in the Telegram. I also created a channel in the Telegram "Alola His" - a stream of topical articles on the market, reporting, analytics, important news, some of which I find myself, as part of the send colleagues.
The guys support this and teach each other. Our team-lead Misha Denisov regularly holds seminars for developers. Recently, we invited people from, which told employees about the right approach to the creation of interfaces.
Another rule that I follow in your job helps to solve problems rather than imposing solutions.
It is very important for business. If you want to be useful to someone, first find out the problem, articulate how you can help, and then come back with a proposal. Often in life we see that everything is the opposite: people are imposing their view of the world to others. You need to be closer to reality, sometimes it is necessary to spend a lot of time.
This approach has helped us this year, in addition to launching "Alola" to create an application for the St. Petersburg State University for International Student Card ISIS help "Yulmart" with the new application.
How to pass the time in traffic jams?
More than six months do not go driving, and generally try to organize life so that traffic jams were not in it. I live close to work, appointing a meeting at the center, and so on. This allows almost all business travel by foot.
Alternative walking - metro and Uber.
What place sport occupies in your life?
a lot of time in his youth devoted to sports, namely martial arts. I really wanted to get generic skills, explore a variety of techniques, so tried everything from judo and Sambo to boxing and karate.
But the most extreme experience was the study of the army of unarmed combat (ARB). I did it at the Military Institute of Physical Culture, with an enrollment of those who are preparing specialists for the army. ARB is different from the fighting without rules, the fact that there is really no rules, but there is the use of objects, some opponents, difficult terrain, and so on.
Today, I prefer swimming and, whenever possible, I go to the pool. In my opinion, exercises in the pool - this is the most positive load to the body and at the same time the opportunity to relax, bring thoughts in order.
swimming accessories are always in my bag.
Layfhakerstvo from Andrew Sudnik
From business books I like the book by Stephen Covey "Seven Highly Effective People Skills». He put proactivity on the first place among the skills of a successful person. But I want to note that the basis of the concept of proactivity laid more Viktor Frankl. This Austrian psychologist, held in 1942-1945 years in Auschwitz and Dachau.
His book "Man's Search for Meaning" definitively closed the entrance to whining in my life. Frankl describes his experiences and observations, including very clearly showed how and why some people fell spirit, and died shortly thereafter, and the others survived and performed outstanding deeds in unimaginable conditions.
I also want to highlight a number of books professor of psychiatry at Stanford University Irvin Yalom. His style is similar to artistic, fun read, I highly recommend.
- «When Nietzsche Wept».
- «Momma and the Meaning of Life».
- «Treatment for love».
- «Liar on the couch».
Of artistic works like "doctor Zhivago"Pasternak"Thus Spake Zarathustra"Nietzsche"A source"Ayn Rand. The last two in early youth mobilized me to set up action and conversion. More like "Two lives"Concordia Antarovoy. This book is reconciled me with the world, he has helped to come to an understanding as to actively build in harmony with yourself and the people.
Blogs and Websites
Regularly read Layfhaker, Roem, TechCrunch, VentureBeat, Fortune, TechInsider, Forbes, RBC, WSJ and other resources, without which it is impossible to develop in the IT and build a business.
What is your life motto?
Love - our sword, humor - our shield.
I wish all readers Layfhakera remember these wise words of Bernard Werber in difficult moments. And still be themselves, and the world will be yours.