How the brain creates creative ideas
Inspiration / / December 26, 2019
To be creative, a little give way to organize thoughts and brainstorming. Scientists have studied in detail the process of creating original ideas, and then came to the conclusion that art is not only complex, but also very versatile process.
Creating an original idea It requires simultaneous operation of two completely different areas of the brain. To be creative, you need to use an associative, spontaneous thinking, along with the conservative analysis. That's how the researchers from the University of Haifa.
Scientists are sure that the creative process requires checks and balances. Creativity - is the brain's ability to find new and creative ways to solve problems.
However, not every creative idea can be considered creative. If she does not have the application, then this idea should be considered pointless and unjustified and almost immediately put aside.
Therefore, work is divided into two stages: first you create an idea, and then check it for consistency.
To think creatively, we need to strengthen a number of contradictory processes in the brain. Scientists conducted an experiment in which the first part of the volunteers were asked to find the unusual use of everyday items. Answers that were repeated less often than other, have been praised, and those that were offered to the majority of participants have earned enough points. The second part of the experiment was the fact that the respondents were given a description of items, so that it was the most accurate and detailed. During the experiment, the subjects examined brain using functional MRI.
The result showed that during the research work of the associative areas of the cerebral cortex was most active in those participants who were given the original and imaginative ideas. This applies to the front of the medial portions that usually run in the background when a person spends time in dreams and fantasies, not concentrating on something definite.
But the scientists also found that creative ideas, original and practical, can not be created only through associative areas. This area is not working alone, and to find the answer, she needs help. So you can think creatively, the brain must be connected and other gear - "administrative region", which is responsible for the perception of social norms and rules. The stronger these two areas interact, the more original will be the answer.
The researchers concluded: for creative thinking, of course, important that your association areas were active. But it is equally necessary is a control process: your brain is required to evaluate creative ideas in terms of their relevance and adequacy.
It is possible that the great masterpieces of human thought have been created by the geniuses who have a connection between the two parts of the brain has been particularly strong.
Those who want to be creative, you should pay attention to harmonious development both abilities. Devote the time you need not only creativity, but also the training of analytical abilities of the brain.