Genius inside. How to develop creativity and become a genius
Inspiration / / December 26, 2019
Geniuses are not born but become. Such a phrase we used to inspire those who are almost ready to give up on the way to the goal. But honestly, do you believe in this? Genius - is the person elected to the changes in the genome, or ordinary people who've worked? Let's investigate.
Paco was five years old when his father first gave him a guitar. Subsequently, the father forced the boy to play 12 hours a day. He wanted to be sure that his son would become a professional musician. And he began. Paco de Lusiyu considered one of the world's best flamenco guitarists with unlike the rest of the style of play.
Was the genius of Paco de Lucia? Definitely. if he was born like that? he himself answered this question in one of the interview:
If I was not born in the house of his father, he would be nothing. I do not believe in spontaneous genius.
Genius Paco did not divine intervention, and not crashing in the genome, but rather a desire to father a child do such and may deprive the child. Same with Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh, David Hockney and others.
Genius - another habit
The notion that the genius inherent in man from birth is wrong. As it is written in "Wikipedia"Genius - is the highest level of intellectual or artistic functioning personality, which manifests itself in outstanding scientific discoveries or philosophical concepts, technological inventions, social changes and the creation of art works.
That is genius - it's a skill to create something new and outstanding, which means that it can be conventionally called a top-level creativity.
book author inGenius Tina Seelig devoted to the study of the genius of a few years. She believes that never too late to learn creativity. According to her, all men of genius combine several stereotyped habits. Most often in men of genius two skills are developed:
- The ability to combine unrelated ideas.
- The ability to go beyond conventional thinking.
A good example of combining unrelated ideas - device Wake'n Bacon. This mixture fryer for alarm and bacon. 10 minutes before the time of awakening fryer automatically turns on and you wake up the smell of bacon svezhezazharennogo. Most of these devices are more like fiction idiot. However, they can be useful for people who need to get up early, but that may not by the whip to force myself to do it. But can using the stick. Or bacon.
Sometimes united by someone unrelated ideas become catalysts for fundamental changes in our lives. The idea to connect the phone and the screen has created the first multimedia mobile phones. Symbiosis batteries and machines gave life to electric vehicles.
The second skill is determined by how well you can think outside the box and look at things from an unusual perspective. There will be a good example of the company Bespoke, which is engaged in the creation of artificial limbs.
Prior to Bespoke prosthesis viewed only as an opportunity to replace the remote end. The company first decided to combine medicine and beauty and fashion to create dentures. Together with the first batch of fashion houses prosthesis was developed, which was subsequently waiting for success. Buyers are not just talking about the fact that the prosthesis is much more comfortable to wear Bespoke. By combining the two, at first glance, completely different field, the company was able to make a new successful product. Can we say that he has changed the world? He changed the lives of dozens of people who were able to wear dentures, and not be ashamed of it. Therefore, all the same, yes.
Breynstormy and the process of inventing ideas
brainstorming method is ambiguous. Someone thinks it a good tool to solve problems, while others think otherwise. Nevertheless, many geniuses have used this technique in its various manifestations. Tina Seelig identified several similar features:
- For breynstormy important place. Best of all - a spacious room with plenty of surfaces for recording ideas.
- Number of people - no more than eight. So everyone enough time to express their thoughts.
- Invite people who are distantly related to the discussion - a good idea. They see the problem from another angle.
An important stage of inventing ideas - error. It is unlikely that they like at least someone, but it's a double edged sword. On the one hand, mistakes are inevitable - whether you like it or not. But on the other hand, errors - it is an opportunity to learn and be inspired even drastic changes in his life.
Errors - an integral part of creativity. They lead to something better. Instagram, for example, I was born of Burbn project. Kevin Systrom - founder of Instagram - was going to do something like Foursquare in the browser. Understanding his mistake and finding the best alternative possible to create one of the most popular social networks in the world.
How not to give up on the way to genius
error problem also in the fact that they are not isolated. You can be wrong dozens of times in a row. You can be mistaken for five years. You can be wrong all my life and only at the end come to the right decision. This is the most pessimistic outcome, but they can become a reality.
Neurosurgeon John Adler has devoted 12 years of his life developing radiotherapy system capable of removing the tumor, not only in the brain but also in other parts of the body. In the 1980s, made fun of him the medical community, not the success of the venture verivshee. In 1992, Adler, together with his brothers Schoenberg developed the CyberKnife. Is Adler world has changed? Undoubtedly. But for this it took 12 years. So long to move toward the goal - not an easy task.
It is difficult to suggest something that will not give up on the way to the goal. Seelig offers several methods:
- Transform the creative process in the game.
- Find accomplices.
- To believe that the decision will come sooner or later.
It seems to me that none of these methods does not hold water. They make life easier, but let's be honest: if you are fed up with the process, a lot of sense from them will not. Therefore, if you do not want to move on to what else - throw. But before that answer the question: "Can you live with it now?"
British scientist Hans Eysenck I spent a lot of research and was able to prove that creativity is associated with biological changes in only 15% of cases. This means first of all that banal phrase "Geniuses are not born geniuses are" true.
Knowing this, and having the desire to become a genius, you have to roll up our sleeves, select the path and start working. How long? Unknown. You may need to work for decades 12 hours a day to become as a genius in his field, as it was able to Paco de Lucia. Maybe less.
The potential to be creative and brilliant and everyone can. Developing and improving skills, working hard and overcoming the threshold that can not overcome the 90% of people can become special. After all, it distinguishes genius from the rest - the ability to transcend himself, when others give up.