10 questions that will change your life
Inspiration / / December 26, 2019
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1. Who do I spend my time?
If your child is friends with peers who did not to anything seek, we believe that he will achieve nothing in life. But for some reason we do not consider that this also applies to adults. If your friends are suffering unloved work or lead an unhealthy lifestyle, you are also most likely will take a similar decision. Think about your friends and colleagues: they inspire and support you, or vice versa, dragging down?
The same applies to what you read, see what they think. over time, our life begins to resemble our environment, so choose it carefully.
2. Can I change it?
According to Epictetus, the main task of the philosopher - to distinguish what he can control, and that - no.
Usually we spend a huge amount of time on that from us does not depend. Their actions, thoughts and feelings we can control. Other people, the weather, external events - no. But here is the attitude of people, weather and external events completely beyond our control. Learn to distinguish it, you will not be distressed because of what is not in your power.
3. What is my perfect day?
Not knowing this, you simply will not be able to build your schedule so that you feel comfortable. Think of the most pleasant days own life. What did you do? Ideally, your work, personal life, the house should help you live as many days, so it is possible.
Maintain a lifestyle that allows you to be yourself and not force constantly pretend to be someone else.
4. To be or do?
That was the question posed to the potential helpers military strategist John Boyd. Which path will you choose? Will you strive for success, or focus on a higher purpose? Fixated on the post, the number of fans, the amount of salary or concentrate on the really important achievements? That you have chosen so far?
5. I'm missing when I spend time on anxiety and fear?
Various problems in life cause us sadness, anxiety, fear. The only way to survive these challenges - to try to keep these feelings under control. Therefore, the next time you will notice that plunged into negative emotions, remind yourself about what a high price to pay for them. After all, being distracted by them, you will miss something important.
6. I do my job?
Do you know at all what is this thing? You can work hard, to the point of exhaustion, and still not perform their craft. We often delve into small business, doing someone else's work or simply prokrastiniruem. All this creates a sense of employment, but does not bring us to the fact that for us important.
7. That for me is the most important?
If you do not know what is important to you, you can not know if you give it enough time and effort. Whatever it was - family, money, work, - you have to know and accept it. Only then you will no longer compare ourselves with people who have very different priorities. Only then will you be able to give up for the "success" of the race and achieve a state of tranquility, which Seneca called "the certainty that you are on the right path and do not stray, looking for traces of people crossing your road. "
8. For whom is it?
If you have something to create, sell or are trying to attract people, you must know the answer to this question. You must know your audience. Think: "What do these people want? What do they want? What can I offer them? "Do not rely on luck. Ask this question and try to find a clear answer.
9. Is it really so important?
Given the transience of life, whether there is any value that's what I'm thinking, worry, argue? Unfortunately, often the answer is "no."
Do not forget to ask yourself this question, so as not to waste time. Take the example of Marcus Aurelius, and remind yourself that this very moment you can die. Let it determines your actions, thoughts and words.
10. I am the one who I want to be?
We - what we do. Therefore, doing something, ask yourself: 'Does it reflect what kind of person I want to be? The way I see myself? "
The way we are doing something one says and how we do everything else, about who we are. So try each time his action, every thought, every word to ask myself whether it corresponds to what you want to be.