Why develop creativity, and it does not stop at self-improvement
Inspiration / / December 26, 2019
Okay, okay. I want to develop further, what to read?
The ability to think creatively is necessary for all of us.
What is this about?
This is the final post in the series "How to develop creativity." Today and sum up the mood of yourself and your future development. Otherwise, you can not: read the post until the end, and you will understand what I mean.
Here are all the tools of creativity, as mentioned in the series:
- Association;
- empathy map;
- Scamper;
- Free writing;
- PMI;
- RBIs;
- doing nothing.
What other tools have?
They are a huge number, but there are only two basic types: those that lead to positive change (eg, solving your problem), and others.
Seven instruments, about which I said - this is only a small part of a large set of solutions for complex problems. In my blog post about the development of methods of creativity I have collected 50 instruments, my goal - to 101, and this is not the limit.
Some you will accept, some - not really, but you never know, they are suitable for you or not, if you do not try it in practice. That is why every published on Layfhakere material from the series ends with a practical task.
If you perform these tasks and you have all turned out - cool. If something does not understand or have questions, please contact me. If you want to continue to develop, keep reading.
Why is it important to develop creativity?
There are many reasons to learn to think outside the patterns and maintain the flexibility of thinking. The most important of them, in my opinion - is the fourth industrial revolution and the advent of artificial intelligence.
People stepped on a path that will not allow us to stay as we are now - lazy, only consuming goods prokrastiniruyuschimi. We have to change to re-invent their part to stay need each other.
We have to be better than the common algorithms, which have already begun to displace the mass of people with the usual jobs.
And if you're thinking that it's not about you, it's some kind of distant and unlikely outcome, I will not argue. Thank you for reading this far. Till.
But if you understand and feel the danger approaching, it is time to start to change: to train the brain to learn to think abstractly and systematically, critically, rationally. Time to learn to think.
Many states are not interested to learn to think of its citizens. Most people do not teach their children the correct way of thinking, because it is not aware of such a need. No one will help, but you.
I do not worry, I have no such purpose. I want people to learn to think.
How to continue and not give up?
Here are a few tips, but the motivation - this is a very complicated thing. Something that works well for you, but something - not at all. Need to try.
- If you start to record thoughts and think about the material will become easier. Even if there is something you do not understand, write down what it was. Think about it, then be able to return.
- Good participation helps someone from friends or acquaintances. Find like-minded and start at the same time, agree that everyone prepares a short presentation of the studied material, and then it is. So it will be easier. You can pass a single material, and then there is the opportunity to immediately discuss the incomprehensible, and it is possible to study different subjects, and then tell each other what they have learned.
- Find a curator, you ask him to constantly push.
- Ask your mom that she was your "coach". And mom nice and cool you.
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