10 cases where employees have been robbed, and you did not notice
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Why employees steal and how they do it
Some people will never steal, because they do not allow moral convictions. People with a more flexible ethics dare to steal, when the same number of factors:
- dissatisfaction with their salaries,
- public access to goods and other values,
- the imperfection of the accounting system, due to which the theft and the identity of the thief is not immediately detected.
If your company real profit differs markedly from the forecasts for the worse, take a look at their employees. Perhaps the most dishonest of them more than once resorted to one of these ways to get rich on the job.
Buy goods at inflated prices
So do fraudsters who committed purchases. It works like this: let's say, a businessman has opened a cafe and ordered his employee sourcing of some products. Employee proved unfair as the supplier, and as a result of collusion cafe owner will pay 2000 rubles per unit, which in fairness is worth a third cheaper. The price difference will be shared by the employee and supplier.
Pointing in the wrong quantity of goods
Another option collusion - intentional errors in invoices. If the goods supplied in bulk, from the hundreds of units, not too difficult to specify a different number of the documents and, accordingly, the cost.
For example, an employee who is responsible for the reception of the goods in the warehouse entrusted to order 120 boxes of cat food, 24 cans each. Thus, should arrive at the warehouse 2880 cans. But the officer asks the same point impure into the hands of the supplier invoice in 2980 and billed to the desired amount. The warehouse enters into the 2880 units sold, according to the documents - a hundred more. Defunct 100 canned written off as a marriage, but the overpayment is divided between store employees and suppliers.
Peelable barcodes
Simple way to steal: perekleit barcodes with cheap goods to more expensive and sell "their" - customers with whom the dishonest employee collusion. Even if someone suddenly sees the cashier punches the wrong item, it will be impossible to prove that the barcode-stick intentionally.
Not all items scanned
Another scheme, which requires a "his" buyer. He brings to the cashier several identical goods, and the cashier scans and breaks in check only one. Even if you catch a cheater by the hand, he can always say that the scanner just did not think the rest of barcodes and it's not his fault. A scan products at the same time ensure that they are displayed correctly on the shopping list, it can not. After all, the queue at the box office are not wanted.
Substitute products to cheaper
Popular scheme in stores that sell bulk goods by weight. An unscrupulous seller can replace expensive and high-quality spices or tea more cheap. In appearance to determine the substitution is not always possible. And even if you find a meticulous buyer who suspect that something was wrong, the seller will divorce her hands that arrived at the warehouse, and then put on the trading floor.
Write off the goods ahead of time
On goods, consumer properties may eventually deteriorate, should be listed expiration date. It foods, cosmetics, perfumes, medicines and so on. Dishonest dealer can mark that he decided to pick up a free as pending write-off, but with expiration dates, and trade dress is all right.
We do yourself markdown
The seller adds to the write-down section in the most unpretentious tovarouchotnoy system expensive thing wants to buy himself a good discount. Naturally, the store's management did not plan such a write-down. Barely leaving goods at a discount warehouse as he was immediately interested in buying employee.
Some vendors or crumple intentionally spoiling packing applied noncritical damage (e.g. scratching), to be the basis for markdown and subsequent redemption. This scheme works in the opposite direction when a dishonest employee selling Discounted items of value that existed before.
Closed after the check payment
It works in the case of the inattentive buyers who pay cash and go without waiting for the issuance of the check. Cashier breaks your personal discount closes check the price difference takes himself.
Included in the check additional products
This fraud scheme is also designed for customers who are taking just a lot of goods, pay for them, but do not check the receipts and do not collect them. The cashier can penetrate twice the same product or add a check a product that the buyer did not take, and after the departure of the last to make a check for cancellation and assign money.
It is possible that the fraudster will fall meticulous buyer who, at the risk of incurring the wrath of the queue at the box office will verify the check. But punishment risks here are low: it is always possible to refer to a system error and issue the refund.
"Leased" Products
If not cheap thing need only a couple of times, it is worth it to buy? Of course not, because you can just take popolzovavshis. Such an argument dishonest sellers on the clothes or equipment. Tested in costumes and gadgets are returned to the room and continue to be sold at the price of new products.
How to deal with theft
A guaranteed way to avoid theft among employees - hiring crystal honest people, integrity, which would have envied the saints, do not be jealous sin. But since this task is hardly feasible, you need to take a range of measures, which ensures almost complete control over the trading process.
Set the camcorder
The most obvious and simple solution: place a surveillance system not only at the shelves with goods, but also in the cash area. It is advisable to adjust the camera so that they recorded the whole process of scanning products.
Use the other labels
To no one else glue barcodes with expensive goods on the cheap, just use other labels. They must be stronger and more persistent, such that they were hard-stick with one product to another.
Personally supervise procurement
To exclude the possibility of manipulation of employees, self-select suppliers. Participate in negotiations with them, carefully study all the documents listed in the reconciliation at the contracts for the supply and acts of acceptance-transfer rates.
It can be a time to determine the size and type of margins (in a fixed amount or a percentage of the purchase price), and then when you receive the goods it will be applied automatically. Change the price of goods in the reference tovarouchotnoy system can not without your knowledge neither the seller nor the cashier. No more confusion with the prices, accidental or intentional.
Enter a liability
Another effective way to combat theft - attracting staff to the liability and the deduction of shortage of their salaries. By law, the employee must reimburse the employer caused him to direct actual damages. And under the damage it is understood as a reduction in the amount of some assets and deterioration of its quality.
Spend unscheduled inventory
Typically, employees know exactly when will the inventory, and can prepare for it. But the exact timing of unscheduled not known in advance, and by law, they may be held at any time. We need only order of the head of such verification.
The head will always be able to see in whose shift and at what time in the stock has decreased by 10 bottles of shampoo, the sale of which for some reason is not fixed in the online checkout.
Do the ads for shoppers
Place ads in a prominent place that the cashier is obliged to issue a check. And if he will not be granted, the purchase of the product is due to the store. Buyers will have a serious motivation to focus precisely on the fact that the issuance of a receipt.
Automate business
On July 1, 2019 entrepreneurs in Russia haveFederal Law "On the CCP ' use the online ticket office, although not all do it at the risk of incurring fines on the company. It is worth recalling that these devices are not only needed in order to comply with legal requirements.
Online ticket office allows at any time to see all the actions of the cashier and make it impossible to sell by cash. For example, you can see how was the movement of the money at any time of the day. If the numbers are suspect, it is an occasion to talk to the staff or to study the records from the cameras.
Try to cash in