How to get away from the "routine work", and finally take the strategic objectives
His Work / / December 26, 2019
current events management organization, or operational management - a necessary part of the project. This includes, for example, daily interaction with subordinates or immediate response to all incoming task. But it brings a real benefit only if the work is built on the basis of sound and the approved strategy, which just has to deal with the owner of the enterprise. Otherwise, it is an endless, absorbing all the resources, messy process.
In any textbook on managerial activity is written, how to build a job: to design, implement, and then delegate the operational management system by top management. But in practice it is much more difficult. Before the introduction of a new management system it is important to create the necessary conditions.
train staff
In order to get away from the "routine work", it is necessary task delegate. And to do so, to not constantly distracted by the control.
That the company flourished, and the owner could take strategic objectives, a team must be proactive and conscientious leaders of performers.
typology systems many employees, but they are somehow reduced to the fact that companies need to work motivated and interested people. So at this point it is important to assess the quality of staff. The best way to solve this problem, suitable ways in which the main criterion is effectiveness, not competence. For example, you can use the method of "360 degrees" - an assessment of the employee by his colleagues, subordinates, management, and customers themselves.
What to do with those who have shown themselves ineffective employee? To begin, try their "fix" that is, motivate. Here it is necessary to identify those who are inspired to achieve: they will work more fun if they promised prize. But from those who are motivated by punishment, and those who do not respond to stimulation (it worse), you need to get rid of. It is important to make this process gradual and non-obvious to the team. Otherwise, you have every chance to break up the company.
To the rest it is necessary to clearly convey the idea of what you are waiting for them - or rather, what gives salary. The officer must understand that his actions bring just such a company's profits, which is why he gets here such salary and a bonus. In other words, to introduce a transparent system material motivation based on performance indicators - KPI (Key Performance Indicator).
Deal with finances
So, the team sorted out. We turn to the most topical theme for any businessman - the company's finances.
Sometimes, especially during a time of rapid growth, the owner and the top management of forget about the most important - of the project economics. So you clearly understand how money comes and goes, it is necessary to conduct a series of procedures.
- Calculate unit project economics - profitability or unfavorable one unit of goods or services in the calculation of per customer. This will help you understand what products need to strengthen and which to refuse at all to the overall business remained profitable.
- Identify and promote the most marginal product. Be guided by the principle: to strengthen the strong to weak to develop. If there is no profit, resources for new directions you simply will not.
- Check the wage fund (LCF) on expediency. You'd be surprised, but when properly calculating the economics of the project it may be that you would be enough, "two and a half diggers." Sometimes, instead of keeping three employees, it is better to distribute (for a fee), an additional piece of tasks between the two employees - this will save payroll.
All this needs to be done to prepare the ground for the transfer of processes built up the company's top management.
To standardize processes
We turn to the tactical actions. Have you ever wondered why the employees in fast food restaurants, so fast? Because they clearly prescribed processes: they know in what order to put burgersHow to navigate the kitchen, so as not to hurt his colleague, how many grams of sauce to add a particular dish. The same must be done with any process in your company.
You can start with the same staff: Make job descriptions. Just avoid downloading files from the Internet and write exactly what to do a particular employee in your company. Also, calculate the KPI system - we have already mentioned the need to use this technique. Better if it will be approved for all employees.
In the sales required to implement a CRM system (Customer Relationship Management - Management customer relationship), so as not to miss any of the client and not to work, bypassing standards and check lists.
It is necessary to regulate all processes, from simple tasks to complex management decisions. Of course, sometimes you can break the rules, but thanks to a clear system of coordinates, you can not worry about what is happening at a particular level company.
implement automation
During the standardization process, you identify those areas that can and should be automated, ie, eliminate the need for repetition of similar acts. For example, upon receipt of the incoming application manager enters data about the client in CRM-system further copies information for the specialist to work with clients in Excel, and for marketing carries information in «Google Table. " All these manipulations can be avoided and thus significantly improve the efficiency of employees and the production process as a whole.
You'd be surprised how much time and effort can be saved if you do not use the manager's work for standard calculations, and a time to invest in smart operational decisions. Such systems are now there for CRM salesAnd for accounting tasks, and even recruiting.
Automate everything you can. So you can avoid the endless errors due to human factors, optimize processes, and possibly save on the wage fund.
Establish operational control
So, you are surrounded by motivated staffWho know what they need to do to get a decent result. You have clear financial model, and you can imagine where to go in order to continually increase profits. Processes within the company are standardized and automated.
Now you need to delegate operational management. Important: Do not tie the processes on one person to not put yourself in a position where your business is totally dependent on a hired manager. Removing from operational management, do not create another pole and try to split the problem into several different areas: for example, all the money matters to instruct the finance department, and Customer Service jobs - service.
Now, with peace of mind you can deal with strategic management. But always at least quarterly reconciliation at whether the tactical part of the management of the project coincides with the introduced your strategy. After reasonable control - the key to a stable and long work of the company.
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