WallBot - Image for Mac, which adjust to your tastes
Macos / / December 26, 2019
Thanks to the machine learning algorithms, this tool will regularly deliver desktop wallpaper that you'll love.
For macOS there are many specialized applications and wallpaper. However, most of them are not allowed to influence the selection of photos. They simply loaded from the database, and the maximum that can be done if the wallpaper did not like - is to add them to the blacklist, so they would not show you. WallBot not only allows you to mark does not conform to your taste wallpaper, but also knows how to adapt to your preferences.
Appendix traditionally runs from the menu bar, which displays a preview of the wallpaper, the information about the images, as well as the category of the photo. From here you can change the wallpaper by selecting the appropriate menu item or by using the keyboard shortcut Shift + Cmd + P.
The fun starts after the user selects one of the wallpaper. Once the new background is set, there will be a small pop-up menu with a proposal to assess the wallpaper Like or dizlayk. Using machine learning algorithms, WallBot will take into account user preferences and offer a more suitable option.
This application helps the function of recognition of objects in the photo. Thanks to her, each image is assigned certain tags, which are then used to select the wallpaper to suit your tastes. For example, if you do not like the wallpaper with food, WallBot remember it in the future will not offer pictures of food.
Apart from the aforementioned menu interface in the application itself is not. A few settings are located in the drop-down menu: You can select the frequency of the change of wallpaper and turn WallBot autorun at system startup. Among other actions available opportunity to save your favorite wallpaper or send them to friends via the system menu "Share".