How to easily find the company for sports with Ridewithme
Web Services Ios / / December 22, 2019
No company - the most common excuse for not jogging, going to the gym or pool. With service Ridewithme very easy to find a partner for training or to organize like-minded people. And most importantly, you will no longer be any excuses.
Few people have the courage to go to the gym alone for more than two or three times. Another thing, when you are together with your friends. This is not only fun, but also adds a competitive point: no one do not want to seem a loser. But what if some of your surroundings no athlete? Suitable company can always be found with the help of RidewithmeAnd it takes only a couple of minutes.
To get started you need to add a profile by registering via email or through social networks, and select your city. After that, you can take the bag with sneakers and shape - a good place to find a workout on the road.
In the "Events", which brings together all the activities near you, you can select through the list or by using the labels on the map. For each pin hidden details of events and "Subscribe" button. Work filters to weed out the events of the city and the type of activity, so finding like-minded people for useful pastime is very simple.
All of the events to which you have subscribed, are stored on the screen, "I will go." This is your kind of plan for the future or a calendar, if you want. The list contains details about the venue of the event and the participants. Sports events can be a one-time and recurring. You will be able to find friends who share your passion, and instead of paying rent rooms or areas for regular exercise.
If desired you can not find the event (master the some exotic sport?), It's easy to create yourself. It is responsible for this central tab. By filling out a simple form, Asking desired conditions, including not only the type of activity, time and place, but also, for example, the age limit and the number of participants.
For those who love to discover new areas for training to get to know like-minded people, come in handy tab "Places". By adding their favorite places here, you can quickly use them when creating events.
Ridewithme helps to find a company to run, pokatushek cycling and other sports, at any time and in any place. Make new friends, like-minded people gather together and doing things you love!
Price: Free