Those makovody, who along with OS X installed on your computer and the Windows, faced with a problem: when you install the beta version of OS X 10.10 as a third system, Windows becomes unbootable. Moreover, the disk partition on which stands the Redmond OSes simply disappears from the start menu boot volumes. The situation is dumb, but - easily solvable.
This "nezhdanchik" scares, first of all, that the solution to the problem is not obvious, and, except reinstall your operating OS X and Windows, other solutions regular user for yourself not He sees. After all, even a self-made program for fast start Windows leads to the message that the Windows-bootable partition is not found! Although this same section unharmed, and even accessible through Finder ...
But let's look at why Windows-section were not available for download.
identify the causes of
If you are interested to delve into the technical details, you can easily go to the next section article, which sets out specific actions to restore Windows on your bootability Macke.
Blame, of course, OS X Yosemite - or rather what, how and where the user has installed a beta version of the system. On the Mac initially has a single operating system on a disk partition by default named Macintosh HD.
When it is necessary to install on the same computer, and even Windows, on Mac's internal drive in Macintosh HD «eaten off" a small piece, which with the help of "Assistant Boot Camp» installed OSes Microsoft. Now, on the internal storage Mac two sections.
And then came the beta version of OS X Yosemite, the user wants to set as an additional system. He again divides "pie» Macintosh HD, highlighting at Yosemite for a place to work. Of course, after all the vicissitudes of the logical structure of the internal drive on your computer to change significantly:
Note: the disc is code-named Yosemite HD proved before partition with Windows, and not after it. Herein lies the root of the problem: Table disk partition serial number of Windows-volume change. But the computer boot loader does not know about - and not finding Windows-section under the former quality number does not show it at all.
Here you have the solution to the problem: it is necessary to fix the table boot volumes.
From that moment, try to concentrate fully on the material set forth below. If something would be incomprehensible to you - stop. Although the instructions fairly simple, any small mistake can lead to undesirable consequences. Be extremely careful. If you are not sure that you'll have a better play it safe and consult a specialist.
1. Install the utility gptfdisk
Free gptfdisk console program - the primary tool for restoring the viability of the Windows-section. Download the distribution from in pkg format and install it.
2. Fasten your seat belts
Now, if you have Apple laptop - it's time to connect it to a power outlet. Very bad idea to edit the disk partition table, the risk that the computer chopped off at the most inopportune moment.
Also, it is useful to save somewhere on an external drive all the important that is stored on your macro-and Windows-based partitions. Although if you already regularly create backup copies of your data (via Time Machine or hand) - this step can be skipped.
3. Examine the disk partition table
Start the program "Terminal" and after it shows the prompt, enter the three commands in sequence by pressing the Enter key after each:
sudo gpt -r -vv show disk0
sudo fdisk / dev / disk0
diskutil list
After the first team will need to enter the password for the administrator of the system. Neither of these teams is nothing in the system will not change - we just need some information about the status of the table partitions. The first command displays the status of the internal drive of your computer and partitions on it, the other types of displays, and the third - the contents of most of the partition table, which is what we needed.
For all three teams "Terminal" will give approximately the following information:
Important: you need to remember or write down the number that corresponds to the Windows-partition on your computer. In my case, this figure 6. You have this number may be different. That section with this number will need to assign the new partition table as a boot.
4. Start treatment
All preparations are completed - you can proceed to the most important stage. Open a new window "Terminal» (⌘N key) and enter the three commands, pressing ENTER after each:
sudo gdisk / dev / disk0
The first command starts freshly utility gptfdisk. The second translates this tool in recovery mode and convert the boot menu. Third - create a new hybrid table partitions.
Stop. Now it remains the most important. Remember, under which number in the partition table on your Mac Set Windows-section? In my case it is 6 (and it take for an example), but you have this number may be different - in the same window "Terminal", enter the number his Windows-section:
If you get a question Place EFI GPT (0xEE) partition first in MBR (good for GRUB)?
- enter Latin y
and press Enter. Further, without entering anything, press Enter again to accept the offer hexadecimal number in the partition table (07). Now again sequentially enter the three-letter teams (only Latin letters), each confirmed by pressing the Enter key:
"Terminal" will show how the table will now look like disk partitions. Let us assume that everything is in order, and introduce two more short commands (also confirming with the Enter key):
5. Restart your Mac
That's all. Finally the program will recommend to restart your computer - do it by pressing the key after the starting signal ⌥ (alt). After a few seconds you will see the usual menu selection boot partitions, among which should now show off and Windows-based volume.
— The material