Small but perfectly formed: 26 useful utilities for OS X menu bar
Macos / / December 25, 2019
There is a category of applications for Mac, the size of which is not commensurate with their use. Most often they do not even have an interface and quietly do their work in the menu bar, simplifying our lives. We offer you a great selection of young workers, divided into categories.
Leveling system
Relatively deep interference in the operation of the system, completion of standard features and improving the usability of interaction with them.
F.lux - this is the best friend of all lovers sit up at work until late at night, which will make the light from the display is not so "eating up" the eyes.
When it is necessary to reduce the brightness level lower than the minimum use Shady.
After reading this article, the menu bar on your Mac certainly be replenished with new icons. To put things in order there, it will take Bartender.
Endurance It helps out when you need to stretch a little longer on a single charge. The utility extends battery life by 20% and controlling the brightness reducing background processes.
FROM Amphetamine You can certainly not be afraid that your Mac «fall asleep" at the most inopportune moment.
Looking at Paste, You realize that it would be so advanced clipboard on OS X, if he has done Apple.
Boom 2
Apple believes that the equalizer in OS X is not needed. If you have a different opinion, and often listen to music from your a Mac, you will come in handy Boom 2.
I bet you did not just accidentally exit the application, promahivayas and pressing Cmd + Q instead of Cmd + A. At such moments you regret, that did not use before CommandQ.
Macs Fan Control
Apple computers are known for their quiet operation, and all because the fans do not rush to overclock the processor when heating. Those who are not satisfied with this situation, will be useful utility Macs Fan Control.
Anything that helps you work faster and more efficient, and also eliminates the distractions.
Hocus Focus
FROM Hocus Focus easy to set up auto-hide inactive windows after a certain time, so they do not distract from the ongoing tasks.
HazeOver It is nearly the same as the Hocus Focus, but, unlike the latter, does not hide inactive windows, but only obscures them.
To facilitate interaction with windows in handy utility SpectacleThat lets you quickly move windows and resize them with keyboard shortcuts.
Once again about the windows. Magnet will split the screen space between active applications and place them in the best way.
Probably the most minimalistic Pomodoro-timer. Tadam fully cope with their tasks, working entirely from the menu bar.
When you want to create a reminder for some trifles, simply drag the icon Gestimer and add a description of the timer. At the same time, you can create any number of such reminders.
Simply useful things that will be useful in certain situations, and not once will help you out.
Want to record a small screencast demonstration or to share something? Recordit help: make screen capture, retain in SIFCO, load on the server and copy the link to the clipboard.
In OS X has built-in character map, but if you need more room to quickly insert special characters, it is preferable to use Characters.
Too lazy to go every time in the Finder, to safely remove a flash drive and external hard drives? Then use a utility CleanMyDriveWhich as a bonus and even cleans your disks of dust.
Utility Tripmode It is indispensable when you need to work with poor internet. The program automatically determines the quality of the connection and includes a kind of firewall, letting in only the required network applications.
The menu bar, in fact, created to display information, but "out of the box" this possibility is rather limited and does not meet the needs of advanced users. Program below is correct.
Forecast Bar
Do you want the weather forecast directly in the menu bar? It is very easy to arrange via Forecast Bar.
A tiny icon Itsycal It allows you to quickly know the date and takes the menu bar up much less space than a standard. Clicking on it will open a full-fledged calendar cards with a list of upcoming events.
Escape tell you where, when and at what time you are distracted from work during the day. Procrastination - a fight!
There is no better means than BitbarTo feel a little boom and bring in a lot of the menu bar of different information.
iStat Menus
iStat Menus - the god of widgets to monitor your system and Mac technical condition. It has everything. The best that has been thought up for this purpose.
A little bit of beauty and that sets up a working mood.
Love beautiful wallpaper, but too lazy to look for them on the Internet? Install IrvueAnd different wallpaper for each day are provided to you before the end of life.
If the place where you are, can not create the right atmosphere, it can be done with NoizioBy inserting the headphones sound of the rain forest sounds, the spring storm, or the hubbub of a busy coffee shop. Moreover, in any combination.
You know more some interesting tools, working from the menu bar and simplify life makovodov? Share your findings in the comments!