Evil life hacking: how to be the correct abbreviation
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
The fact that "Well" has begun, you will know exactly. And the fact that you will be reduced, too. Special chic leadership - is pre-cut for a couple of weeks to cause me and confidential conversation to inform you that you are not planning to cut accurately.
Everything described in this article for companies that can not fully be called "white". Companies that do not bother warning in two months and can not just put you to work. This means that we must act now.
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In accordance with Chapter 27 of the Labor Code, upon termination of the employment contract the employee is given a number of social guarantees and compensation paid. The employer is obliged to use all possible means to prevent the dismissal of an employee. For example, to invite him to go to another post or be transferred to the subsidiary. If downsizing or reducing the number of workers is inevitable, the employee must be notified in writing at least two months.
It is important to remember that there are categories of workers who may be laid off to reduce (or is pregnant women, for example, parents of children with disabilities). There is also a category of workers who have pre-emptive right to be fired at a reduction of staff (employees with higher qualifications and productivity; staff members who are the sole breadwinners in families; employees with a family of two or more dependents, and others).
Finally, an employee for the early termination of the employment contract entitled severance pay. Its value is usually determined by the employment contract. But if this point is not reflected in the document, the general rules enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, "lay off employees shall be paid an allowance equal average monthly earnings, as well as it saved the average monthly earnings for the period of employment, but not more than two months from the date of dismissal (with a Ladder output benefits). "
If downsizing or state employees, the employer has violated the substantive or procedural rights of the employee, the latter shall be entitled to submit a claim to the Commission on labor disputes, as well as initiate the prosecutor's investigation into the legality of the company, which worked.
Update the resume, copy everything
refresh summary and make it open to all, except your company. If you have a good relationship with the staff, they will prompt some leftist accounts used in your company. They are too close.
All private correspondence slide on personal devices: any word directed outward, the company can turn against you and reduce severance pay. In private correspondence warn the people that are running that the company has a difficult period. It is likely that you will save the it to them a couple of payments and they will remain obliged to you. However, note that such a letter can return the heads, so it is better, perhaps, communicate voice and with the most reliable employees.
Now the most important thing - you and your work.
Despite any agreements supplies the results of your company's activities, it is your job, and it belongs to you by right of birth. Therefore, your task - to make the maximum amount of information from your company.
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De jure to the natural rights of man, that is, belonging to it from birth, the right to life, the right to dignity, the right to liberty and the right to security of person. The right to work and freedom of work belongs to the category of socio-economic and human rights arise from the moment onset of labor legal personality, that is, the ability of a person to be the subject of employment and related relations.
The regulation of intellectual property rights the employee is at the junction of civil and labor law and is debatable. According to article 1295 of the Civil Code, copyright on official results of intellectual activity belong to the employee. but exclusive right to them it is given to the employer. In other words, regarding office worker works endowed moral rights. For example, the name can and should read on the product.
The company also owns the property rights, that is, it has the discretion to dispose of the results of intellectual activity of its employees. At the same time, during which the exclusive right to the employee's work belongs to the employer, it has nothing to do with the term of the employment contract. Termination of an employment contract does not entail the return of the exclusive rights of the author.
If you have signed any agreement, it is possible that you will not be able to place some materials on your site, but you can definitely show them in private conversations or use analytics new job.
Copy all the contacts and correspondence history, it is desirable for all the work, external and internal. In MS Outlook is done by copying the file to the mail file (.pst) to external media, or the command "Export".
Copy all the reports, tables, files, layouts, presentations, pictures - in general, all that passed through your hands.
Even if you do not have a direct relationship to the sales copy customer base and reports on sales if you have access. If you can not bring your own report, ask them to send from the sales department to "market analysis".
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If the information can help increase revenue, to avoid unnecessary costs, maintain its position in the market of goods, works, services or obtain other benefits, it can have the status of a trade secret. The only exceptions are the information specified in Article 5 of the Federal Law of July 29, 2004 "On Commercial Secrets". After receiving the status information of trade secrets protected by law.
Disclosure of commercial classified (by action or inaction, orally or in writing, and using technical means), entails civil, disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability. In this article of the Administrative Code 13.14, and in the Criminal Code - Article 183. "The illegal disclosure or use of information constituting a commercial, tax or banking secret, without the consent of the owner of the person to whom it was entrusted or became known on service or work punished a fine of up to one million rubles or the salary or other income for a period of up to two years deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years or corrective labor for up to two years, or community service for up to three years, or imprisonment for the same period "(part 2 of article 183 of the Criminal Code).
Security. How to copy information
As I've written, you can be accused of anything you want and deny payments. Therefore we must be very careful. If you have worked for a sufficient time, in the course of security systems and will be able to choose from the following options.
no securityOnly the control software installation - just copy itself everything what Dotyanutsya hands on the stick. Print on a color printer all of your reports, drawings and presentations.
Security weak: Controlled by the software is installed onto the computer (but not the extension in the browser), e-mail, web traffic.
- Smaller files can be e-mail to send information to himself. Through the corporate is not necessary.
- You can install VPN-extension in the browser (for example, Zenmate) and upload files to the cloud - administrators will see only traffic, but did not see where he was going.
- The easiest way to download information to a flash drive or smartphone.
safety average: Controlled by the USB-ports, you can not put the extension is limited access to cloud resources.
- Contacts, and reports can be printed, the modern system of recognition of the text and then help translate it into electronic form.
If total control, blood pressure and fascism - it is possible to photograph the screen. If you send photos directly to the cloud, and then remove from the Smartphone, then no sap.
Also keep in mind that some information can be requested at the back of your contractors, for this paper, write down what you are sent out and to whom and from whom you can ask for help.
Do not forget to prepare a letter of farewell to all my colleagues, indicating their home phone numbers and addresses email.
All of the above should make an already Today (!)As you may cause to the authorities, and in the absence of disabling access to corporate resources.
Perhaps this approach someone seems unfair, but let me remind you we are talking about initially dishonest companies. And it is usually known in advance. And then the question is not "color", and in the principles of parting with employees: there are "gray" companies that pay adequate compensation, not fake statements.
And money?
Often write that while employment costs save for a rainy day, but it does not matter the motivation: no one is waiting, and it comes unexpectedly.
Provisions for 6-12 months minimum spending should be to enhance self-esteem and freedom. You simply cease to be a slave to his uncle, who is working on.
It is unlikely that you have a desire to fawn before the authorities and to give up their own opinion about the work, if you can easily change it.