Podcast "42". Issue 48. Viktor Zakharchenko about productivity, start-ups and business management books
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
In the 48th edition, we talk about productivity, management of start-ups and good business records with Viktor Zakharchenko, The founder and leader of interesting online projects, the CEO of developer social games Drimmi, Standing in the "point" on the radio "Echo of Moscow" (together with Alexander Ivy).
Principles and productivity tools
- Victor manages to keep up with all the high employment and combining different types of activities.
- ABOUT Incoming information management system (Tweets, RSS-posts, articles for deferred reading, etc.) in a single center with GTD elements.
- Automation of tasks with mashup ifttt: Certain events in a single service call events in the other.
Services and programs: Evernote, Read It Later, Pinboard.in, Buffer, Reeder, Tweetbot, Simplenote, QuietWrite, LastPass, Goodreads, Bookmate, Calibre, Stanza.
startups management
- Bootstrapping: How to launch startups real layfhakery.
- How to build an effective team to ensure its startup and motivation.
- ABOUT corporate culture
— Jira - bug tracking system and project management.
- How to promote the development of employees in the company (motivation for reading the internal Bukkrossing and other techniques).
Good books on business
"Startup" and other books Guy Kawasaki, «And botanists do business"Maxim Kotin," The Bible butstreppera "," Irreplaceable "and other books by Seth Godin," Motivation in the style of Action "and" Sincere service "Klaus Kobella," Employees at all life "Lorain Grabs West, the book of Malcolm Gladwell," Please say no, "Jim Kemp," The Long Tail "by Chris Anderson," The Black Book Manager "Vyacheslav Pankratov, books Rework and Getting Real by 37signals, "The Myth of Multitasking" Dave Crenshaw "Deadline. Novel about project management"Tom DeMarco.
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