Put the work in place
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
If you are so passionate about their work, which is already bordering on obsession, it's time to take action. Here are some tips that can help in this case.
Find a hobby that will entice you and your mind away from work
Examples can be active hobbies such as sports, art, puzzles and crosswords, but not watching TV.
Establish goals in life as well as you do at work
It works directly in conjunction with the preceding paragraph, and this is the surest way to awaken their interest in various business and non-business pursuits.
Schedule a meeting with others
Most likely you will be much easier to finish the job, knowing that you have planned for a walk with friends or dinner with the family.
Separate work and life
If you check your email to see the photos sent by friends, but at the same time see the work of writing and setting, it is unlikely you will be able to escape. Perhaps we should still make different mailboxes, im accounts, etc.
Advance know when to say "no"
Remember the 80/20 rule? Think about what kind of things take up much of your time, but practically do not bear any good. Perhaps, after all it is not necessary for them to spend their precious time off. Decide for yourself less useful things, from which it will be possible to refuse, without causing damage to the final result.
via 5 Boundary-Setting Tips for the Work Obsessed [Four Hour Work Week]