7 easy ways to get a pay rise
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
Sometimes a step forward begins with a kick in the ass.
You 30, 35, maybe even 40 years. Do you work in the company of his meager salary and do not understand why your friends have already successfully upgrade your iPhone to the iPhone X. The 7 Why are they, and you do not travel with their families to Cyprus, Maldives and the United Arab Emirates. Why did they have already paid their loans for the Honda Accord, VW Passat or Mercedes Benz ML350. You see, like your colleagues go to the boss with brazen mug and require regular wage increases, leave with a smile on your face and go to the nearest pub affixed.
Why do they, and not you?
This is because you went to school better than anyone else, they did tests, helping to pore over the diploma. What the guy you called out to you in the company of the state of emergency "Barnyard", and now a year later and he jump on you? Why before the next annual report to work for a year, they ask you to "cook up a list of outstanding achievements," even though their main success was the fact that they have not lost the achievements of their predecessors?
And you're such a modest guy, the smartest, the most effective and indispensable (damn, well, why you always creaked released on vacation for a week, at the While these boobies rest for two weeks twice a year, not counting Christmas and May holidays?), and so, are you most-most and nothing gettin ...
I'll tell you why.
For nearly 10 years I have been working in large corporations, watching hundreds and even thousands of careers - both successful and failure. Five years ago I was getting 100 summary per day from guys like you, I spend up to 10 interviews and evaluated, assessed, evaluated. Evaluated in order to understand whom to take in the company, and who is not. Who can achieve something, and someone - no.
Then the next five years I was engaged in that developed the guys like you, to build a system of salaries, bonuses, salaries forks. He created a system of evaluation of professional and personal qualities. For two years I have been doing career counseling and career coaching and has helped many people achieve their career goals. And now I can share with you all the knowledge and experience gathered bit by bit over 10 years. I will tell you, how the system works "on the other side of the fence"So how often I was the person who participates in the coordination of increasing employees' salaries.
So, below you will see seven simple ways to get an increase in their wages. Start with the first, all the recommendations and move to the next. No need to jump between councils. Keep prioritization. Let's get started.
№ 1. Ask!
Do you know why you get so little? Because 95% of the heads of no do not care about the fact that your wife makes your brain every time you get paid.
When she did not have enough money for a dress. When you povoz her to rest savage, not the resort. Because to raise your salary he needs to talk to your boss, to explain why you need to raise wages, to tell about all your successes and achievements (you think he's everything remember?). It is much easier to say, came Max (your colleague) said that if I told him not to raise wages, he will go to a competitor. Or maybe your boss will save the budget of the department, then to ask for an increase currently.
What to do: Your main task - to settle in the mind of your boss's idea of what you want to earn more. That you are not satisfied with your level of income. What do you want to know what should be done to improve the RFP.
How to do it: you should prepare a conversation (if you are brave) or letter (if your courage is only enough for it to once a week to write the boss).
The main message of your talk (or letters): I should or could do to earn 30% more?
Exactly. The boss does not care what you've done already. He does not care how much your colleagues are or how much to pay on the market. It is only interested in what you are able to offer in the future in exchange for a wage increase.
secrets: I will share with you a secret. Any boss appreciates employees who can solve the problem of the bosses. The boss does not like most of the problem. Any problems they always try to throw on subordinates. If the slave is not right - it's his fault, not the boss. Therefore, immediately think, what problems the boss you're ready to decide for raising the RFP. Here, of course, we are talking about work - do not think you need to be a slave to your boss.
How to build your conversation (email)
- Immediately said what you wanted to talk.
- Explain why you want to earn more (the only thing that can touch your boss - it's your life circumstances, so tell me about mortgage loan and a larger dollar exchange rate, that you and your wife are planning to have a third child or that you now need a car, you will take on credit).
- Ask under what circumstances and conditions, you can earn more.
- He suggested options to expand their duties or improve performance.
- Think about the past successes as proof of your ability to work better.
- Tell me the amount by which you tselishsya.
- Ask for what you need to do to get back to this conversation when you're his part to fulfill the conditions.
Example of your dialog (only bring your phrase, but it is clear that among them will be the answers to your boss):
Hello, Ivan Ivanovich. I want to talk with you about your salary. My wife and I are planning a third child, so my income question for me now is very relevant. I want to discuss with you the circumstances under which I can earn more? For example, I can get more customers or responsible not only for sales but also for marketing. Remember how well I was able to bring to market a new shampoo when all marketers were busy with new seals? I would like to get $ 2000 per month, and is willing to make this effort. After I fulfill all the requirements, we can return to our conversation?
Be sure to write down after talking to yourself all your agreements and revise them every week.
My experience shows that:
In 50% of cases to gain enough wages alone conversation with a request to increase.
It really works, especially if you're really cool and valuable employee.
Bosses are afraid of such talk. People who claim to want to earn more, cause they fear dismissal. And no one wants to look for a new employee to your place, messing around with him, to teach, to adapt and to take risks to get a pig in a poke.
Well, he asked? Man! Go ahead!
№ 2. Educational!
You know, there is this sentence: "If tomorrow you'll be doing the same thing today, you'll have the same, what you have today." Want more results - do something else. And for this - to train.
See how it works. Each company is such a thing as male wages. People in the same positions can get salaries that differ by 25–75%. That is, you can receive $ 1000, and your colleague - $ 1500, performing similar functions (premiums until not take into account). This happens for many reasons:
- You come, when all received $ 1000, and then the market has grown, and new employees have already gained at $ 1500.
- When you take a job, your knowledge and experience evaluated at $ 1000, and at your colleagues - at $ 1500.
- In your company has a formal or informal system of evaluating staff professionalism, the results of which revised salary (such a thing are increasingly beginning to be introduced in major Western and domestic companies).
- Someone praised the level of professionalism of your colleagues above and initiated the improvement of the RFP (your boss, your boss is the boss, the boss of the other divisions, HR Director).
In general, there is a direct relationship between your "coolness" as a professional and your wages. Accordingly, the cooler you get, the higher your price.
What to do: do not need to be recorded once for all sorts of courses, purchase of professional literature library or do a mini-MBA (MBA to complete more you grow and grow). To begin, you need to determine what professional and personal knowledge, abilities, skills and attributes (for let convenience, call them on competencies) really needed in your company and for their "flow" are willing to pay more. Once you do that you will understand, all that will be required of you - to look for ways to pump these competencies and to pump them.
How to do it: here you need allies. Talk with your boss, with a representative of HR-department, agency recruiters, colleagues in the market, read specialized magazines for you, go to the conference. Once you identify the eight most sought for positions of your competences, the composition of their development plan and develop.
secrets: there are people who call themselves coaches. Like the Buddhist monks, they keep the secret of the powerful tool of coaching, which is called balance wheel. But I'll tell you about him.
Take a sheet of paper A4. Draw a circle. Rascherti into eight sectors. Get this:
Each sector - this is one of competence. Now evaluate each competence on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 - is you do not well developed, and the 10 - developed at the highest level.
After evaluating competence put opposite each digit, which is the difference between 10 and your estimate. For example, you have the expertise, "negotiating", which you have set up 6 points. Of the 10 6 and subtracts the obtained 4. Further work with this figure.
Now select the three competencies that are more important than all the others. The results obtained in these scores multiply by 3. And yet the three competencies that are in second place in importance. There multiply by 2 points.
You will receive six new figures. Choose three of them with the maximum score. It is these competencies you need to develop in themselves.
If you do this exercise, it's a 50% success rate. The case for small - development.
Do you know why 90% of people do not engage in self-development? They think that it is expensive and they do not have time for this. I want to dispel the myth of the two.
Myth 1. Personal development - it is expensive
In our modern world has so many various webinars, mini-workshops, online courses and other forms of training availableWhere possible, by spending only $ 100, to obtain valuable information. Do not think and do not expect that, after the first such event you will become a Guru. Do not think that the pros know 10 times more than you. All that distinguishes the pros from you - they went for two or three events, caught the key idea and started to use in their work.
Be sure to ask your HR'ov whether they are willing to pay all or part of your tuition. Find the best book on the topic that interests you (ask for advice from others, which is better to read the reviews) and read it.
Myth 2. Training takes a long time
And you have to work and do not have enough.
You know the book by Stephen Covey? Here is what he writes:
Imagine that, walking through the forest, you see a man who furiously sawing wood.
- What are you doing? - You ask.
- Do not you see? - should be the answer. - I Peel tree.
- You look very tired - you sympathize. - It has long been sawing?
- More than five hours - responsible person. - hardly stand on my feet! Hard work.
- So why do not you just stop for a few minutes and did not sharpen the saw? - advise you. - The matter probably would have gone much faster.
- I do not have time to sharpen the saw! - the person says. - I'm too busy.
And do not lie to yourself that there is not even 20 minutes in your day book reading. Or that you can not find three hours a month on to view the webinar. Or that you can not single out one day every six months, to attend the training. What does not? Well, then your next vacation Plan your so that it began on the day of training, you can rest and not seven days and six.
№ 3. Expanding!
So, imagine that you have already told the boss that you want to earn more money. You even agreed to the circumstances under which this is possible, and you started to "sharpen the saw." It's time to take the next step - to expand.
Once I said to the boss:
Responsibility - it's not what you give. Responsibility - is what you take yourself and did not discuss it.
So, it's your time and expand your area of responsibility.
What to do: Look, now you are consistent with your boss. With this he least wants to agree (remember, you wrote him five letters on approval of new conditions of work with the client, and he never said?). Start with small things. Take responsibility for decision-making.
How to do: To begin with himself: "Now I'm starting to take responsibility." Once I decided to begin to act. To help you my secrets.
secrets: I will give you a simple circuit increase your responsibility. Imagine that you have one and the same situation is repeated each month. Let this be the harmonization of work with the client.
Now you write this:
Dear Gennady Ivanovich, I ask you to agree on conditions of work with the client "Daisy".
Now add a little bit of responsibility:
«Dear Gennady Ivanovich, for this client, I want to agree on such terms. Do you agree?"(See, there is the pronoun" I ".)
A little later this month:
«Dear Gennady Ivanovich, that I agree to the client such conditions. You have no objections?"(Here you have never expressed a desire, and declare the action.)
Next month:
«Dear Gennady Ivanovich, this client I agreed to these conditions. If you have any comments, let, please know that I made a changes». (Here you have already stated the event was held, but reserves the right boss to change something.)
If this step was successful, the transition to the final version. If not, and the boss said to you: "Who gave you the right to agree on the conditions?" - tell him about their willingness to take responsibility for the coordination of conditions, followed by a right to be informed of your reports.
Thus, the final stage:
«Dear Gennady Ivanovich, I send you a report on harmonized conditions for customers willing to discuss them if necessary».
Remember: the more responsibility Will you take, the greater your value to the company. But I want to warn you: Do not fall into the trap, when the new responsibilities will require you more time than you are able to give it. In this case, get ready to ask for additional resources (possibility to delegate part of the work to other employees, leaving the responsibility for the result).
№ 4. Aviva!
Companies are divided into two types:
- in one you're working on the bid, and you do not have and can not have any bonuses;
- in the other, except for bets, you have the opportunity to receive the award.
If you work in the company of the first type - skip this item immediately.
And if you're lucky enough to work in a company where there is even a small chance at a premium, then you simply must get it.
prize There are different types, here are some of them:
- monthly premium for the performance indicators;
- a percentage of sales;
- the fee for the work done;
- Prize for processing;
- Award for Excellence;
- Prize for the quarter;
- Award of the evaluation for the year.
What to do: So, your task number 1 - to understand what kinds of prizes have in your company. To begin, talk to your colleagues and find out what they know. Then he asked a question of the boss or employee of the personnel department.
How to do: listen to what they say colleagues about the salaries and bonuses.
My many years of experience is that the staff are always talking about their wages and discussing them among themselves. Whatever strict rules or act in the company, all still learn wages and incomes of each other. And if you still do not know the income of their colleagues, so you have everything in front. Go to the pub with colleagues, talk heart to heart. Tell me what you really do not have enough money and you think how to earn more. How to achieve a premium... Ask for their advice - before you open a Pandora's box. If you are lucky, bring your boss.
secrets: even if your post and does not include premiums from your boss is always possible to write a memo to your boss and knock the premium for you. So do not think that there is no premium at all. Think about the circumstances under which you could get it.
Sometimes the best way to earn more - is to find a way to combine the basic work with something else. And here's a list of possible alignments. Even if you do not find an option for yourself - you will understand, you need to think in any way.
- Combining the two positions in the same company. I meet so often. Of course, no you will not pay two full rate, but to get a supplement of 30% you can quite.
- Combining the two positions for shift employees. If you have shift work - two in two or three by three, and so on, most likely, your Head will give you the opportunity to work extra shifts for a colleague who was sick or gone on vacation.
- Network marketing. While I personally do not share all the joys of the network business, but there are many instances where a person earns a good idea, being engaged in Avon, Amway, Oriflame and other businesses. The only thing that you must have two success factors: sell gift and a great number of friends and acquaintances that you are able to convince.
- Conducting training sessions. If you're cool pros, it is likely that there are people who are willing to pay you for training. I know several people who provide training. But usually they do not engage in sales, and cooperate with the companies that find them customers. Think, is there in your environment companies ready to sell your trainings. Yet there is a second category of people: they are addicted to some kind of theme, such as the Vedic culture or make-up, and conduct mini-trainings for his friends on the subject.
- The second way to make money on other people's development - become certified coach. Coach - a person who, using a specific technique, helps to achieve the goals of other people. Usually the coach is a professional in a certain field, which specializes in: finance, career, health and so on. Successful coaches are taking for their coaching sessions from $ 100 to $ 200 for 60-90 minutes.
- Intermediary services. I know of people earning money on that help to make purchases at stores overseas. This is especially true of children's clothes. They collect orders from their friends, make an order in a foreign shop and carry out the delivery in the city.
- Deposit. This is probably the most obvious way to earn extra money, but it takes effort to start saving 5–10% of their income. We can not do without the help of inspirational books. I recommend reading Bodo Schaefer.
- Production of handmade-products. I have friends that bake cakes with different professional figures, there are those who make women's jewelry, beautiful postcards or notepads. Here it is necessary to invest their labor, but if it turns out well, then over time, you can earn good.
- Providing services to others. Here, perhaps, is the most popular manicure and massage. But there are also less popular assistance in the selection of clothes, provision of quality services in purchasing a used / have a car (search Seller, inspection machines, checking for service, bidding). Think about what you could earn.
What to do: choose you, the ways combine mercenary work and other activity - a great variety.
How to do: Make a list of your ideas on what you could earn. He entered in the ideas - from the very obvious to the most insane. Let your list will be as large as possible. To give it a week, reviewing every night and adding several new lines. Then choose one or two things and start to deal with them.
secrets: if you are not sure which of the options devised better, try to evaluate each of the options on the following criteria on a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 - the highest rating:
- it may in the future five years to generate income commensurate with my wages;
- this occupation gives me pleasure;
- it uses my talents.
Evaluate each option according to three criteria, add up the scores and choose the option that scored the most points.
№ 6. Grow!
This is one of the most difficult but also the most effective way to earn more.
My experience says that the difference between the lowest paid and the highest paid position is in the middle of the company - 100! This means that if the cleaning lady gets $ 200 a month, the CEO - $ 20 000 (without bonuses).
In addition, the company's average, there are about 13 posts levels. That is, from the cleaners to the director about 13 positions.
It is believed that careers in humans can occur on average once every three years.
The average salary of an employee with an increase in office is growing by 40% (usually 20% with an increase immediately and another 20% - after 6–12 months).
Thus, over 20 years of professional career, even with the lowest position and salary of $ 200 can be grow to wage $ 2000 (assuming that the increase was every three years by 40%, a total of seven increases).
And if you start with $ 1000, up to $ 10,000. Not bad, right? But there are people who are growing faster than others. For example, if you receive a career every two years, the revenue growth would no longer be 10 times higher, as in the example, but 29 times!
It is believed that it is very easy. For 20 years you will have 10 increases. Each 40%. So, we need to count 1.4 to 10 degrees.
Feel the difference:
Height positions every year * | The total amount of growth in the post (20 divide the number in the first column) | revenue growth in 20 years in time * | Income in 20 years, if you start with $ 500 |
2 | 10 | 29 | 14 500 |
3 | 7 | 11 | 5 500 |
4 | 5 | 5 | 2 500 |
5 | 4 | 4 | 2 000 |
Now you realize the importance of their career?
Excellent start to grow!
What to do: I give step by step instructions.
Step 1. To begin to determine what the most in life you love to do. If you have seriously decided to reflect on his career for the next 20 years, then you need to choose something worthwhile, because you are very much of his life to this cause.
Step 2. Draw your career ladder for 20 years. We decided that, ideally, you should be up to 10 increases. Do not be penny wise, aim at the position of CEO. Believe me, in 20 years anyone who purposefully engaged in their own development, is able to become a CEO. Then you need to draw a path from the current position to the general.
Here is an example of telecom companies, employing more than 5000 employees:
- Sales Specialist ↓
- Senior Sales Specialist ↓
- Leading Specialist Sales ↓
- Sales Manager ↓
- Team leader sales ↓
- Head of Sales ↓
- Head of Sales Management ↓
- Head of sales management ↓
- Commercial Director ↓
- General Director ★
Step 3. Now forget about your career and focus exclusively on the following positions (in my example - senior sales specialist). Ask yourself, and then his boss, the question: what do you need to know, to do, to be able to have you raised? Focus on this question, search for answers and execute the action in the next two years.
Step 4. Repeat the third step each time after the next increase.
Step 5. Hire yourself a coach who will help you in your growth to insure your success.
How to do: Remember, your career has a number of criteria for success:
- Goal setting - every time you yourself should put a clear goal, such as becoming a senior sales specialist to 01/01/2017.
- Education - no illusions. Without training you will not have sustainable growth. So plan your training (as it is - I wrote above).
- Expansion of their responsibilities - the only way you will grow. No one will come to you and give a little more responsibility (and career development - it is in fact is the responsibility of the growth). I will always look whether you take on a bit more responsibility than others, or not. How to take more responsibility, you already know.
- High performance level - you have to work a little better than others, such people increase in office.
- A good relationship with the leadership - I'm not talking about the need to be a toady, no. Here is a speech that you have to be able to communicate well with your supervisor and the head of the other units. No one wants to raise people who are not able to build relationships with colleagues. And your leaders today - tomorrow it's your colleagues.
secrets: go to the zoo, take a look at the wolves. I'm serious! Observe them, and you will notice one feature that no one else is inherent. This feature is that wolves are always on the move! Really always. They never stand or sit, they are constantly moving. Hence the saying:
legs feed the wolf.
Wolves know that to survive they have to move. Winter and summer, rain or shine... You must become as a wolf.
You should always move. Move - is to act, to take the initiative to develop a lot to communicate with colleagues and other employees of the company to generate ideas at meetings, public speaking. You should always perform more actions than all your colleagues. The only way you get ahead of them.
№ 7. Get out!
So, imagine that you are two or three years, performed all my recommendations from the text above and did not get any result.
Only now let's not lie to yourself. When I write "performing", which means that you do even more than what I wrote.
Even so come on, that's a test that you must pass:
Count how many times you answer "yes"? If you have not scored 16 points - you think about leaving early. You know, because people used to blame others. If you are not increasing the salary, it is always easier to blame it on the head. But if you did not do all 16 actions to improve it, the only problem is you.
But if you diligently complied with all 16 points and your salary has not changed - run. Flee from these scoundrels who you do not appreciate!
But, as they say my fellow coaches and career counselors, job search - this is work too. Therefore, on this a little more.
What to do: There are several things that you should do for your job search. This checklist, which you should be filled to 100% ↓
How to do: Search of work - is a creative process that requires a lot of energy and good mood. I advise you to combine it with something very nice for you. Start walking in the room in search of work or time to go every weekend to go fishing. Or, go finally to the driving courses. Drive? Then, on the extreme driving. English classes and speed reading.
Buy yourself a good vitamins, and drink every day, to adjust your diet, sleep. Your life must be like the bride before the wedding. You need to give themselves in marriage or marry a good employer, and you have to please him.
secrets: yapodelyus with you the latest secret careerist, and you'll understand why ordinary people working for the poor performance.
Start with a small Statistics from the life of a recruiter.
In order to choose a good place to work, we need to get at least three real offers.
For each of these proposals, we will need to complete a minimum of five interviews. That is a 15 interviewing for the three proposals.
Before the interview, the recruiter will hold us small telephone interview. Usually recruiters prozvanivatsya more candidates than want to invite for an interview. We assume that only one of the three calls over to us the real interview. So, for the 15 interviews we need 45 telephone interview.
But then the call is not always the case. In reality, only one out of 10, or even 30 sent summary gives us as a result of a phone call. Take an average of 20 sent to resume a call. And for 45 of these calls need to resume as much as 900 to send.
And now let us think that if we want to find a job for three months (90 days), how many resume should be sent per day. exactly - 10 resumes a day!
What usually happens? From one to five resume a week. Well, even five a week - for 900 CV will need 180 weeks ...
Now you understand why people do not usually find a normal job? They hardly find even one real job offer (and often this offer they receive after being severely underestimated its bar after a series of failures).
Submit between 10 and 50 CV in a week.
And it does not matter whether there are many suitable vacancies. Just understand that your goal - to find all the available websites of all positions from 10 to 50 such that the most interesting, and send to resume.
Uninteresting job will give you the experience of interviewing (and 30% of them to you in the end really can offer a more interesting position), and interesting - a potential job offer.
Well, that ended my story about finding a job. This is only a small part of what I would like to convey, and someday I'll write a book about career and job search, but for now, I suggest to keep in touch through my Facebook.