10 Microsoft Word Alternatives
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
Web Worker Daily has published an excellent review of 10 Microsoft Word alternatives. The article examines how normal (off-line programs), and online applications.
1. google Docs - an online word processor. By the number of possibilities and features it can not compete with MS Word, however, is available from any computer connected to the Internet. Google Docs use in General Electric. Incidentally, I have three weeks of using Google Docs as a basic word processor, despite the fact that the need to type texts from different computers there (Tools - laptop). Just Google Docs is free, and its functionality me personally fully satisfied. :)
2. zoho Writer - another online word processor. He dostochno nice interface and has additional features (compared to Google Docs). WWD believe that it is worth a try.
3. ajaxWrite - Its distinguishing feature is not required to register on the site to get started.
4. AbiWord - cross-platform word processor open source. Its advantage - quick start (compared to MS Office and OpenOffice).
5. DarkRoom - ported version of WriteRoom (text editor for the Mac). DarkRoom requires .NET installed in the system.
6. JDarkRoom - Another alternative WriteRoom, cross-platform application. Works on JAVA, distributed free of charge.
7. Writer - again we mention WriteRoom, only an online version.
8. Writer.app - a word processor for the Mac. Customizable, many options.
9. TextEdit - almost a text-processor that comes with Mac OS X. Able to read and write documents in various formats, including DOC, RTF, HTML.
10. RoughDraft - a free word processor (Windows), which is said to be created specifically for writers. So if you write a new novel, a look at this program, perhaps you'll like it.
From my own I want to add, under Windows, I worked in the OpenOffice.org, and by "Mack" I really like TextEdit. In the rare cases that require complex formatting, I use NeoOffice (this is the same the OpenOffice.org, but with Cocoa-interface). And what do you use?