How to earn the respect of peers
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
Personal relationships matter in too much to ignore them. Here are five tips to help you win the respect of colleagues and the reputation of change.
1. Always keep with dignity
This means not only the ability to move gracefully and keep yourself in public. It is necessary in any situation behave decently, politely treat other people and respect them.
Nowadays, manners considered somewhat outdated and useless. But in reality this is not so. If you possess the above qualities, that stand out among the arrogant, conceited and aggressive people express their opinion. There is unlikely to be someone respected.
Move, speak and work with dignity. Be responsible and purposefully.
2. Respect the people around you
If you respect other people will look forward to your presence. They will listen to your words and to respect your right to be a person who can make mistakes and learn from them.
Let others be themselves. They should feel comfortable around you. Respect the opinions of colleagues and personal boundaries. And do not forget about it, if you occupy a leadership position and someone experiencing your patience.
Respect does not mean that you have to put up with any behavior. This means do not let your ego overshadow the dignity and ruin your reputation. Sometimes it is not necessary to prove the correctness of the last, even if the truth is really on your side.
3. Take care of yourself
That you represent as a person and as a professional? Even if you are smart, experienced and charming, all this does not matter, if you behave provocatively and rude to others. People turn away from you. If you are lazy and slovenly, one just does not want to work with you.
What carries the promise of your appearance? How do you communicate with your colleagues? Your speech sounds confidently? Are there in her words-parasites? Do you put an extra effort in the work without anyone's request?
Think about how others perceive your interaction. This will allow you, if necessary, correct the errors of his conduct.
4. Do not think that all the others are given easier
Even the famous people have everyday problems that are familiar to everyone. In everyone's life there are ups and downs. Do not assume that your successful colleagues have no worries and around it helps only luck. We all work hard to achieve their goals or praise from others.
5. Be the master of your life
Even if you do not tend to worry about small things, life will not always be easy and carefree. How do you deal with the difficulties, it affects everything from health and ending with your reputation and relationships with other people.
Take responsibility for your own life. Take yourself in hand, plan ahead, learn to adapt to circumstances and not lose grip.
Do what brings you closer to your goal. And never swerved off track.