Who will replace us to Google Reader? Feedly
Web Services / / December 25, 2019
According to numerous reviews of experts and ordinary users is the service most often referred to as the Google Reader successor. And it is no coincidence: at a time when no one had even thought about what Google Reader can be closed, Feedly creators carefully polished its service in an effort to find something that could lure spoiled users. And it looks like they succeeded.
Despite the fact that Feedly is a project with great experience, a service it debuted completely recently, having previously existed only in the form of extensions for browsers and applications for different mobile platforms. feedly Cloud complements and completes the already existing arsenal of applications, forming a closed and self-sufficient infrastructure for reading news in RSS format.
Feedly Cloud is struggling to not miss a single user Google Reader, rushing about in search of alternatives. For them right on the home page of the service provided "one-button" can import all subscriptions. But at the same developers have not provided import function by using the OPML, the standard for rss-book readers, but then... then TAKE Screw.
Immediately after entering and adding their subscriptions, making sure that all of your favorite sites carefully laid out by daddy and categories, we can estimate the interface Feedly. I have to say - it is gorgeous. In comparison with all previously discussed Feedly Cloud services looks to head higher, adult and professional. Then you and the different display modes (list, tiles, detailed, coffee), and the choice of themes and stylish pop-up confirmation requests, and much more, which makes the service pretty darn enjoyable use.
And most importantly - how it all works! Switching between display modes occurs quite smoothly and without delay, opening the articles practically instantaneous transition between channels also in seconds. Bravo, bravo, bravo!
When viewing another article, we see an opportunity to add it to your Favorites, which is called Saved for Later, All share the popular social networking sites, send e-mail. From third-party services implemented integration with stowing veteran Delicious, services deferred reading Instapaper and Pocket, as well as "our allĀ» Evernote. Of non-standard functions it is possible to delete an article (a simple function, but somehow more never realized) and view full-text articles in the pop-up window. There is also a function to add your tags, which appear then in the left navigation bar.
Of course, there are all the standard services for this kind of filtering techniques, such as display only unread, newest first or vice versa, mark all as read or just old records and so on. The only thing that I found to my surprise could not be found, so it is search for articles.
In the setting of the service, you can change its options such as displaying the start page layout by default, the show popular among other users of articles, the font used, link colors and so Further. I have to say that a lot of settings and the meaning of some of them was not entirely clear to me, seems a more profound study of them.
In general, we can conclude that the online reader feedly Cloud it is considered the best and most popular. Excellent speed, honed and polished to a shine interface, a wide range of functions, the availability of browser extensions and mobile applications for all platforms makes this service is, perhaps, the right choice now time. Even I, if not for my perverted requirements for functionality rss-client, be sure to have tried to Feedly.
Announcement. Do not miss the final of this series soon with the general comparison, rewarding and worthy of censure behind.
feedly Cloud