Shortmail limits all the letters 500-mi characters!
Work And Study Web Services / / December 24, 2019
Twitter laurels haunt startups. Here and there are heard: "They have not invented anything new!" Or "restrict users have narrowed down a flight of thought went into the Mobile - after all, I would!" And so on. That's the territory of the email came amateurs of brevity. New startup Shortmail limits you to size your letters and tries in every way to make e-mail as convenient as Twitter.
To create an account on Shortmail need to log in using Twitter. Another registration system is not provided, and that's fine - Twitter user only able to assess the correctness of the restrictions.
The main thing that makes this service - limited correspondence 500 mi characters. You can not send or receive a message more than this number of characters.
The second feature of the e-mail service has become an approach to communications, which includes both private, more familiar, mail communication and public discussion, an example of which can be seen here.
This service - another attempt to reduce the flow of incoming and outgoing correspondence, the volume of which is groaning almost everyone working in the office.