"Tasty" - an unusual platform for conducting a personal diary
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
"Tasty" - a new service for keeping a personal diary. Should I use it? Judge for yourself: a beautiful interface, applications for iOS and Android, and customizable design. But the coolest - the ability to read other people's diaries. It's really interesting.
Keep a diary - it's cool. I have this saidAnd more about this I wrote Chief Editor Layfhakera Thank Baranskii. In these articles, you will see the main reasons for keeping a journal becomes almost a daily and healthy habit.
Suppose you have decided to keep a diary. How to do it? Can be classic: buy a notebook and record your thoughts there. You can do more modern and try electronic notebooks, such as Evernote, or use special applications, such as Day One or HeyDay. But there is another very interesting way, which we discuss in this article.
"Tasty" - a platform for the diary. Not an application or notebook, no. The whole platform. In concept "Tasty" most closely resembles MediumBut no longer focused on professional texts, and personal thoughts and emotions. Here you can post your thoughts and be sure that they had not read and do not steal. After all, let's be frank, most of our thoughts are simply not worth it.
I liked that look, you can customize the details. Given that the service is only started, I would venture to suggest that in the future will be more to change the look of the interface more.
In general, the platform "Tasty" would become another standard way to keep a diary, except for one distinguishing feature - the ability to read other people's records. Of course, only if they are open. To me it made a double impression. It is clear that from such records do not expect a brilliant idea or a fascinating text, but still would like to have something more than words "Go buhnom?" In the best of the day.
In spite of this, such a possibility has its own romance. Read the thoughts, feelings and emotions of others interested.
The "Tasty" is an app for iOS and Android, in which all of the functionality is preserved: it is possible to create their entries, read people whom you follow, or view the "Live" - a separate tab, where all entries are displayed for day.
If I was not used to Evernote, which I write down my thoughts, I would have moved to the "Tasty". This service is really a success for several reasons. It is beautiful, and this is important, because you do not want to use on a daily basis ugly applications and sites, and trusted them with their thoughts. And, of course, the ability to read other people's diaries - is really interesting.