Again, it is LJ? There is a decent alternative!
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
Once again, by clicking on the link sent by the readers Layfhakera, I saw that I wrote LiveJournal 504 Gateway Time-out. It seems it's time to collect the most worthy alternative to this blogohosting in one place and share with you.
This is a great service to conduct both personal and collective blog. Its main chip is able to publish entries via e-mail. After registering for the service you will be able to login e-mail send e-mail to [email protected], and it will be reviewed by the service and turned into a full-fledged recording. So the subject line - it is the post title, message text - the text of your post, or if the topic you write ((tag: Learn zombies)), then 2 tag will be assigned to a post: Learn and zombie. But the interesting thing here is that if you put a few photographs, it will automatically be generated gallery, which your readers will be able to watch without reloading pages. If you insert a link to a YouTube video, it will be inserted into the service, taking into account the width of the design of your blog.
Your blog is very easy to "settle" on a separate domain, and fasten the popular DISQUS commenting system. To make a collective blog just tinctures blog specify other users Posterous As an author and write a blog together!
Moreover, the engine is able to own a new entry in the Facebook cross-post (to pages and personal profiles) and Twitter taking into account features content - video can be viewed in Facebook, Gallery will be a gallery in Facebook, Twitter and for the URL is shortened sokraschalkoy
An example of a blog on Posterous can serve My personal blog.
Tumblr - the ideal platform for publishing the content of a certain type. When you create a new post, you will determine what type it is: text, a link, photo, video, audio, quote, chat log. When posting your content is made very stylish, depending on its type and it is addictive. Reading blogs is carried out in the film, and there are rules like twitter. In general, often referred to as extended Tumblr twitter.
An example of a good Tumblr-blog can serve as a blog MinimalMac
If you can not establish themselves on the blog hosting, free download script, Register a free blog at Plugins, full customization, your domain name for your blog and a lot of what you see in Layfhakere will be at your disposal.
Keep your blog on Facebook and use Notes mechanism to record, store where photos, galleries, videos. If you do not wordy, use Twitter. Choose the best, modern and less believe the promises. The world of blogging is beautiful, and there are so many tools for you that no article is not enough to describe everything.