99 rubles for 5 minutes
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
All people can do something better than others. Someone knows how to draw portraits, someone knows how to quickly attract thousands of visitors to the site, and someone knows how to write articles on a variety of topics - ably and competently. But not everyone wants to turn these things on the job, you just want to occasionally receive additional money.
If you have special abilities and you are ready to do it for 99 rubles, or you need performers simple tasks, make sure you look at the project For money.
This is not a resource for freelancers, where they spend a lot of time performing complex orders accounting for a portfolio and shaking there the karma. On RadiDeneg order and sell the work very easy because of the low cost service. The risk is small and make reservations simple and easy.
Once you place your order or offer yourself as an artist, everything happens within the system: communication with the contractor / customer, shipping it works, if it is in the form of a file, management of their own money balance.
Resource For money It has the widest purpose. Add it to your favorites and contact when you need to do a simple job, but you do not have the time or desire to do it. Search the Internet, processing pictures, going shopping, delivery of light goods, articles or blog content site... wishes to do so, and more for 99 rubles. always ready to RadiDeneg.
RadiDeneg - Sponsor Layfhakera