Loopy - a new service to create a living mind maps
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
Chart connections (mental map, mind map, mind map) is used in the planning of a complex project, the organization chain of related cases or simply to restore order in his head. It may look very different, for example like this.
You see how clearly, convenient and informative? So you can build a model of almost any process. The main thing - to decompose it into its components and link them together. And once it becomes clear that, as well as what's going on.
There is only one flaw in this view. Charting completely static, that is absolutely not suited to display processes dynamically.
And then on the arena goes Loopy. This is a new service that allows you to build a living Mind Mapping. They result depends not only on the structure of the blocks and the links between them, but also on how individual elements affect each other.
Here is an example of a circuit that shows how positive or negative actions affect the psychological state.
You want to try to draw something like that by yourself? Simply open the editor and start drawing circles and arrows, let the item's name, place of communication and their impact on each other. I am sure that will be dismantled. Free, no registration.
Loopy →