How to install third-party themes for messenger Slack
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
Recently, on Slack say anything. This messenger used by both large companies and small teams and studios. Below we explain how to install third-party themes for Windows- and the Mac-applications and web version of the service.
Just one year after launch Slack enlisted the support of hundreds of thousands of users. Many of the publications referred to the killer service corporate email and Skype. And kill the latter would have already cost. From version to version of Skype becomes only worse. Slack use in Adobe, Airbnb, Buzzfeed and other well-known companies. It is also used by many guests our section "Jobs".
In the setting of the application has a variety of topics. Standard bit - about 10 pieces. But we found a site on which third-party developers create their own themes, choosing the color scheme. To install a third-party theme, do the following:
- Go on the website Slackthemes and select your favorite theme.
- Copy the entire string with values below.
- View settings (both applications and Web version) and select the tab Sidebar theme.
- Click on the phrase below and paste the code that appears in the row.
It's great that the threads running in the web version and in the Mac and Windows applications. All themes are free, and the list is constantly growing as new threads are and third-party users.