How to pump online store: 6 ways to increase conversion correctly
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
Literally every day the number of online shoppers in the country increases. It seems a priori similar business should prosper, but not so simple. To your online store to bring the maximum return, it is necessary to bring it to a high level of conversion. It remains to determine how to do this.
A few words about the conversion
Speech on the index, which reflects the many clients of all visitors paid the order. Decipher the concept of conversion is hardly necessary today, all owners of online stores are well aware of it. In addition, we recall only two nuances:
- Increase conversions by just 1% can bring long-term huge amounts of money. So think about it there is always.
- Evaluate the implementation of any instrument from the perspective of enhancing the conversion of money. Fix net income, then try something new, Callbackhunter or JivoSite example, and measure again. Sales and net profit in your niche does not budge or decreased? Remove the entered tool and try something else.
Algorithms increase conversion online stores
1. showmanship
One of the main reasons why people prefer to shop offline, not the online store - distrust of the product. In real outlets for goods to take in hand, to consider all sides, read the information on the packaging. Just give buyers willing!
- Place Online high quality product image, better - from several angles.
- Ideally, if the photos will complement even short video.
- Add to the item description page, but not limited to the main characteristics.
2. Simple ordering algorithm
Statistics show that almost 90% of potential buyers of online stores to choose the goods, add it to your cart and even start ordering, but leave the site because of some difficulty.
Conclusion: make the registration procedure and the order form as simple and understandable.
Let the buyer will fill only a minimum number of fields, and make purchases without mandatory registration on the website: it discourages even stronger than a complex order form.
Still want to collect contact details of the customer? Add the ability to automatically login using any of the social networks.
3. Convenience
In the pursuit of profit, do not forget that it brings you a buyer. Make online store as easy as possible from the point of view of the consumer: no flashy designs, without motley advertising (and better - even without it), with fast loading pages in the browser, with an intuitive interface, with legible print fonts. No one will chase the necessary information, for example about terms of delivery or payment, waiting for the page to load. The man soon will go to a competitor who still flies.
4. practical marketing
This does not mean that you have to master the science of marketing no easy to make your online store a success. Just use the most effective techniques, guided by their own preferences.
Do you like to purchase goods at a discount? Carry out regular promotions, during which a particular product on your site will be cheaper than usual. And do not forget to inform about these actions of their target audience. Incidentally, a separate conversation about it.
It would be cool to win the lottery? Periodically jokes among customers, for example in the past month. The prize may not be very expensive, but useful, its role may come just a nice souvenir. Notification of the winner, send the email.
Even if the person was not registered and did not plan to go back to your online store, the gain in a lottery it definitely will return.
Be sure to work with their target audience. Break it into segments (RFM-analysis to help you), find each of them an individual approach and put pressure on the weakest point - the main interests.
5. dynamic remarketing
It sounds frightening and incomprehensible phrase, but actually means the ability to make every customer a constant, that is, to return the customer is in your online store. With the right approach to inspire a return visit can be even 90% of those visitors who did not complete the purchase earlier.
The most dynamic remarketing available today offers the service Google AdWords. True, the deal will not everyone in it immediately. Those who are not used to pulverize and delegate challenges professionals recommend service reEnter. He will do everything himself:
- Will haunt your "hot" visitors until they come back and buy you liked the product.
- Return customers add items to their shopping cart, but did not pay it.
- Support and optimize your advertising campaign in Google AdWords.
- Add new listings immediately after the fresh product in your store.
- It saves time, which can be used for other urgent matters.
Hopefully, these tips will be useful. Put them into practice and watch the growing profit online store.
Return customers to your store