Trbble - another way to discover new music
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
Find interesting tracks are always a big problem. Even the ubiquitous and many recommendations streaming services do not always help to find that linger in the playlist longer than a few minutes. Trbble help narrow down the search to find new sources of music and get acquainted with the music lovers with similar tastes.
The bulk of the recommendations of the music and okolomuzykalnyh services is based on user preferences or tags. This approach does not take into account all the possible diversity of sound. Take, for example, two bands playing in one genre: one singing like in the other - no. Or, say, is not enough of a tool, sound density. You never know what can not be missed, because the music is very subjective art! But Trbble It works quite differently, and, perhaps, is the only service that can give correct advice quickly and painlessly.
Trbble instead of tags (no tags, too, but they are for the other) offers to listen to the most characteristic of the artist, album or song snippet, downloaded by another user. Thus, the search is partly blind, but quite interesting.
It works like this. First you need to select the start screen you are interested in the genre. You will see a window with three passages. Poke any, and it is loaded. As soon as you listen to, download, and will reproduce another. Then last. Each indicates the number of plays, likes and the number of users who have this passage (Trbble) favorites.
If you like it, you can listen to the entire song. You can not stay and go directly to the full version of the site. Here it is necessary to log in using one of the social networks or email. After, you can either use the resource offerings sorted by popularity or load time, or try to find in the search box anything by genre or track title.
All pieces are available in short and full version. It has the ability to upload their own, and then create playlists and mixes. The resulting lists can be downloaded at SoundSloud and share them on social networks. A user with an interesting list, you can knock on a friend on one of the available platforms. That can help local counterparts tags - Mood (remember prehistoric messengers?), Of which each passage is allowed to attach the three pieces.
Trbble allows you to get an idea of whether or not to listen to the song and the artist in general. And to understand it quickly, without endless rewinding and searching through long lists. By the way, the choice of the passage makes it possible to understand how a particular user is close to you with the same interests or musical taste. Next - it's up to you, fellow music lovers.
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