Easy progress in Instagram: get 2 times more subscribers and likes to renewed InstaPlus
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
according to statistics,, Instagram monthly audience in Russia is 12.3 million people. Unforgivable to lose such an impressive source of positive-minded people who are easy to convert into customers. In December last year, we detail wroteHow to set up a campaign to promote in InstaPlus, and this article will tell you about new features of the service, which will help attract more targeted subscribers.
The most profitable and fastest ways to promote your account in Instagram - massfolloving and masslayking. However, they are very labor-intensive, time-consuming and effort, if you do not optimize the solution of the problem with the help of InstaPlus. service developers have added features that will make the process of promoting more effective.
user filtering tool
The success of the promotion in Instagram depends on the accuracy of hitting the target audience. Simply put, you will put the Huskies and subscribe to those who are most likely interested in your account - get new subscribers, already interested in your product.
With the help of InstaPlus filters you can only select popular and active users with a certain number of publications that have recently laid out the last photo. In the "White-word" write what you would like to see in the description or account name: "mum", "housewife", "designer", "photographer." You can also filter out commercial accounts with the help of stop-words: write in the word "shop", "online store", "business" and so on. Targets with filters typically increase efficiency by 40%.
A separate service for collecting and filtering user lists
With the help of FindGram service from the creators InstaPlus you collect high-quality base of target users only, and the effectiveness of the promotion will increase significantly.
First, you are asking the criteria by which the service is to select a target audience: geolocation, hashtag, user, user list. That is, if you ask geolocation "Moscow", the service collects those who upload photos, while in Moscow (the developers recommend to collect up to 50 000 people).
Filter the resulting list of commercial accounts, bots, inactive subscriptions by specifying the following parameters: the number of subscribers / subscriptions, the date of the last publication, stop-words, white-word. After the second filtering user base will be reduced two times, but it will be high-quality, active and targeted users.
You can work with subscriptions and subscribers of competitors: collect and filter out from the crowd only required you to target users. Ready list you copy InstaPlus on the site and work with it.
C parser FindGram can also raise the target audience of the social network "VKontakte".
FindGram - a separate powerful tool, free to subscribers InstaPlus. While it is in beta stage, access is issued on request.
Storing your actions
Now InstaPlus remembers your actions. This means that the service will be put huskies only unique and new users, letting even those from whom you have unsubscribed. You get a bigger audience and will not make a negative and a ban on the user that you have got a few obsessive attention.
Affiliate program
InstaPlus launched an affiliate program: attract new customers and get 20% of the amount they spend on a subscription. All the mentioned your customers are assigned to you forever, so you will constantly receive 20% of the amount that they will spend.
Expanding frontiers
Service is growing and developing, to users of the international version came from other countries - Instaplus.io.
For readers Layfhakera - 10 days of free use
Service can be tested free of charge for five days, but readers Layfhakera InstaPlus gives 10 days of free work. Take advantage of this offer by clicking the button below and share this article with your friends on social networks, so they did not miss the opportunity to try InstaPlus.
try Instaplus