CatchFree: catalog of the best online services
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
We have almost every day try to acquaint you with useful new Web services that can be used to perform various tasks. This online office suites, music player, picture galleries, file storage, and dozens of other categories. And best of all, most of them are also still free! From this diversity inevitably options can head go round. Service CatchFree It helps to orient in a variety of online services and select the best of them to solve your problem.
CatchFree is a free web-based service catalog, divided into categories according to their use. Immediately on the need to choose one of the sections of the catalog home page (Office work, Education, Finance, Music, etc.), then you must specify the type of problem you want to solve.
After that, we will present a list of services that the best way to cope with the task. The list is organized as a table, the columns of which contain important information about service functions.
The first column contains the serial number, name, number of likes in Facebook, the supported platforms and are standard for all categories. The following columns contain the specific functions and their level of quality in the letter grades. For example, when searching for an online notebook, we can immediately get an idea of the ability of creating photo and voice notes, encryption, ease of use and the need to register.
If any service you are interested, you can learn about it for more information, which is displayed in a popup window when you click on the button more Info.
Here we can find in different tabs, a brief description of the service, user feedback, questions and answers, and even instructional videos. Thus, you can in one place a complete idea about the possibilities of a web application, without visiting different sites for this.
CatchFree - a very simple service that only provides a convenient way different information about the popularity and function of the set of online applications. However, it can be very useful to you if you are looking for the best tool for solving this or that problem by replacing a visit many sites and reading long and controversial reviews.