Bambuser - service broadcast video from mobile devices or webcams
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
recently, we wrote about the service user video broadcast Ustream, and now we tell you about another similar service - Bambuser. Bambuser - video broadcast service with a webcam or a mobile device. At Bambuser available for iOS applications, Android and Symbian, as well as desktop programs that can help you maintain a professional broadcasting. In addition, Bambuser player can be integrated to the site through iframe.
Bambuser on you can go through your Facebook account, but recorded at the same time still need to - you will be asked to specify a user name and password. In the future it will be possible zaloginivatsya via Facebook without entering a password.
After registering you will be given links to mobile applications.
If you are going to broadcast video via webcam, go to the Control Panel, click on the menu «Webcam» and click «Go live with your cam».
The broadcast will begin immediately after you provide the service permission to use the webcam and press the record button. You can choose what will be the video: public (public) or closed (private) and whether to save it to the server you need.
In the settings you can specify the frame rate, as well as the transmission of video and audio quality. Below it will be given a link to your current broadcast.
The mobile app works even easier: run, zaloginivaetes, press the Record button - broadcast began. Link to the broadcast can be sent to Twitter or Facebook.
Recorded broadcasts can be made private, share links to them with your friends on social networks, download to your computer or delete them. All the recorded broadcast by the user at any time to look at his page.
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Bambuser | Site
Bambuser | App Store $0.00
Bambuser | Android Market $0.00
Bambuser | ovi Store $0.00