JPEGmini - reduce the size of photos without any noticeable loss of quality
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
JPEGmini - Israeli startup, promoting to the masses its optimization technology JPEG files, the main "chip" which is a multiple reduction in file size without perceptible loss of quality.
As is well known, JPEG initially involves lossy compression, that is, part of the data is lost. By changing the compression settings you can achieve an optimal balance between quality and size. However, even regular home photo archives may take tens of gigabytes (and this is without the use of RAW), and the size of photos taken with modern cameras to successfully compete with bandwidth network. In short, the situation where "size matters" abound.
The simplest solution would be to re-clamping of the image with a greater degree of compression and a lower resolution that will win in the amount of the expense of quality. This approach is used iSlimPhoto and analogues. Take the iPhoto library, keep the original on the archive disk, and with a wear lo-fi version. Simple, cheap and stupid.
Programs like ImageOptim allow slightly reduce the file size without loss, only gain would have to pay for the time that the processor spends on the poor repackaging.
JPEGmini offers an alternative. Those. data under compression like as lost, but that's quality degrades noticeably smaller than in the case of a simple re-saving to JPEG.
For the user, it looks very simple: in the window drag and drop files (or in the Open box indicated Photo Library), then with the help of elven technology files are pressed and are replaced optimized versions. Slow process. For example, in the 2011 iMac processing iPhoto library can easily take an hour and a half, during which the computer will slow down significantly. But the outcome was pleasantly surprised: 18.5 gigabytes vs. 36.9 original. Begin to understand ...
Kaleidoscope clearly shows that the differences between the images is, although the scale of 1: 1, the difference between them is invisible to the eye. Compression artifacts occur only under magnification.
Here is another picture. Triple compression turned minor artifacts to see that in the original scale is almost impossible. A similar experiment was repeated several times in the images of different resolutions and origin with the same result: fold reduction in file size with little quality degradation.
Settings in JPEGmini lacking in principle, that can alert a control-freaks. For beginners the same application on the contrary, very friendly. Quite a nice interface, simple principle of operation (drag and drop - our everything), nice counter saved gigabytes and newfangled integration with social networks. Is that not enough progress bar while working in the background.
Total we have quite an interesting solution that can significantly reduce the size of the photo archives at minimal cost. You need it or not - see for yourself, good for all pitying available Lite versionHaving a daily limit of 20 images. use the same a full set of features It can be in the Mac App Store in just 20 American rubles.