10 more bots Telegram, which will simplify your life and entertain
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
At this time we have found for you botsWhich replace everyday applications, simplifies communication with friends, help watch series and converted into the tribal chief.
If you often write tweets, then the bot will save a few minutes a day. After logging in Twitter it will publish on behalf of you all, that you are free to send it, including photos, videos, and SIFCO stickers. TweetItBot also allows you to retweet, laykat and respond to tweets.
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With the DeLorean, you can create your own time capsule (okay, okay, just a reminder). You write a message, specify the date and at the appointed time getting his message from the past. Send themselves messages can, unfortunately, only in the future: for the past does not work. ;)
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Everyone familiar with the situation when at lunch time one of his colleagues in a working chat have to take on the role of a waiter and collect orders for food. The process can be simplified if this invite to the chat bot. He will ask everyone, what to order, and will give a generic list with which you can go to the buffet, or call customer service delivery.
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There among the bots and more functional shopping lists. For example, ShopList can carry multiple lists, with allows you to share them with other people and receive notification of any changes. Create a list, add to the right products and then expunged them with a click during shopping trips.
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Create event
Calendar - another standard application, which in part can be replaced by a bot. This bot with not the original name can take on the role of secretary and create for you events «Google Calendar," then that is easy to share with colleagues, friends and generally any people.
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VoteBot eliminate the flooding in the group chats where you need to choose a movie to going to the cinema, a place for a weekend trip, and so on. If the choice is, simply create a vote, ask all participants to speak and know the results.
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Drive It
Until Telegram no integration with cloud storage, it can be added using bots. Drive It is literally in a couple of clicks to make friends with your favorite instant messenger «Google Drive" and will be put into your cloud all that you will forward to it. It supports files only up to 20 MB, but this limit Telegram for bots. However, the document that's enough.
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Not yet mastered English sufficiently to watch TV series in the original? Stay tuned for new episodes in Russian voice acting helps Swatcher bot. All you need to do is to add a series to watch. As soon as new episodes will be transferred, you will immediately receive a notification.
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GameBoy Camera
As you might expect because of the name, this bot entertain all reactionaries feeding warm feelings for gaming consoles from the 1980s. GameBoy Camera without further ado turns all photos that you send to him, in the pixel image. Yes, it might look as your Self, whether in the GameBoy built-in camera.
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God, Not Bot
Finally - already, it can be said, according to tradition - the game. In God, Not Bot you will try on the role of leader of the nation, and will take on the burden not an easy decision to bring your people to prosperity. Do not think that will be easy: start all over again have every few minutes. But the gameplay is so fascinating and richly interspersed with humor, that you want to pass the game to the end. Imagine it's possible!
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