Targeted advertising on Facebook and Instagram - rate 10,000 rubles. from Interra School of Modern Professions, training, Date: November 27, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 27, 2023
“Changing our lifestyle through training” Interra School of Modern Professions is an online school where anyone can study.
We teach modern professions. Professions for which demand is higher than supply. Professions that are in demand and relevant now and will be in demand over time.
Interra is an educational distance learning platform where anyone can master an in-demand profession, regardless of their experience, age, citizenship and location.
Our task is to create all the conditions for the educational process so that every student achieves the result - receives a sought-after profession and starts working.
The main principle of the Interra online school is maximum knowledge and skills in a short time, so each course is filled only with relevant information, without lyrics, fluff or philosophical reasoning.
Interra School of Modern Professions is a chance to make positive changes in your life by mastering a profession that is in demand.
Head of the target team
Turnover on accounts is 5+ million rubles per month
Brought >100 million rubles in profit to its clients
Experience in advertising - 5 years
Life principle: work only for yourself
Lives by his work
Economics and marketing fanatic
Loves traveling
Former business owner, where he began his journey into advertising
You will learn how to launch advertising on social networks Facebook, Instagram, VKontakte, TikTok and on the myTarget and Yandex platforms. Zen. You will understand how to optimize campaigns, work with parsers and collect analytics on all channelsPractise promoting a real business with a budget from Skillbox and expand your portfolio working cases.
Express course for anti-crisis channel setup and launching advertising on the Yandex platform. Zen"
• Master the profession of a targetologist from scratch in 2 months. • Learn to launch, optimize campaigns and increase advertising effectiveness.