25 interesting Telegram-channels advises editors Layfhakera
Web Services / / December 24, 2019
Many Telegram-channels is difficult to bring under a certain category, but it does not make them less interesting. Editorial Layfhakera shares premium channels, not included in the previous compilation.
Irina Rogava
leading Layfhakera
- «Undeserved Russian teacher». Telegram for me - a tool for communication and self-education. The only entertainment channel in my subscriptions - "undeserved Russian teacher." When I bumped into him signed soon, probably affected my mother's desire to make of my teacher. In his channel a young teacher MHK talks about the everyday life, modern students and the Russian education system as a whole. He does it alive with humor and a small proportion of self-irony.
Anastasia Sukmanova
Author Layfhakera
Telegram-channels for me - it's such a superudobnaya reminder: you can always tell when you need to watch the new episode, and when - to listen to the new album. And I as a child dreamed of becoming a salesman in a bookstore, so now I like to read all about the different books and suffering editors.
- «Fan Stuff: Soaps». With this program, you will never miss any favorite series premiere.
- Indie Music. If you like music in the Indie genre, the announcements of all new albums there on that channel.
- Vilebedeva. Huge collection of beautiful book covers and stories about how to create them. There are many subtleties about the choice of materials, as well as about the work of the printing, editorial and book designer.
- «monologues knigotorgovki». The channel of the hard everyday life of the seller bookshop, which is divided into funny stories about the not always pleasant customers.
Anastasia Pivovarova
Author Layfhakera
I subscribe to feeds with news of medicine and biology, especially if they write about mental disabilities. Some are very personal, some - solely for information, and some - just magical. And still I appreciate a crazy sense of humor.
- «Nauchkot // PopScienceCat». Nauchkot about the scientific and popular literature. Rarely, but neatly.
- «Do you abnormal». Scary and interesting channel about the abnormal and maniacs.
- Breaking Mad. If you feel that the world has gone mad: Do not you think.
- darth Biology. Interesting channel about biology and medicine.
- «Without Freud, unfortunately». More about the abnormal, but from a scientific point of view.
- «Lingvoshutki». When it is necessary to feel that you laugh at clever jokes.
Pavel Prokofiev
Author Layfhakera
Closer I come to that, to focus most of their online activities Telegram. I subscribe to dozens of channels, most of which loom notifications about unread publications: can not choose the time for mass cleaning. But there are a few channels that I try to read constantly, and do it with pleasure.
- «musical teletype». Good music channels in dozens Telegram: read them all is rather difficult. So I left a couple of these subscriptions, and the rest was replaced by "Musical teletype." It publishes the best posts from other channels of music: not always about interesting artists for me, but always with high-quality text.
- Provincial journalist. This channel is somewhat similar to the above-mentioned notes "undeserved Russian teachers." The Provincial journalist, the author writes about the everyday life of the journalist and the publication of the provincial small-town life in general.
- «concrete box». A channel in which a young girl-conductor talks about music and architecture. He tells the competent, not really trying to adapt to the unsophisticated reader, but terribly exciting.
- «Denis Do not remember about comedy». Not particularly fond of stand-up comedy, but the most notable news genre know the channel Denis Alien, known to many by Public "Branch classmates."
Maria Verkhovtseva
AND. about. Chief editor Layfhakera
Telegram use to work, so I read in it that one way or another connected with the work. Something entertaining delayed subscriptions rare.
- «To read the editor». Daily selections for editors.
- «Pasha and his procrastination». Another channel with notes Editor.
- «MakeRight. sammari». Express reviews business books, efficiency, and self-development to science.
- «Blogs profursetki». Channel about sore between men and women in short and sometimes very hilarious articles.
- «On duty in Rome». I read this channel, because I adore Italy and all that is associated with it.
- world Channels. Telegram-channel global catalog and bots.
Pauline Mingalieva
- Namtataram. Read channel Vladimir Guriev, it is cool. Special subjects there: The author shares his observations about life. I like his thoughts.
Anastasia Knyazkina
Account manager
- «urban studies». I was always attracted to the abandoned monuments, buildings, city. The first thing every abandoned keeps the whole story, mystery, and something that we will never be able to know. With great pleasure I read "Urban Studies" - the channel of industrial tourism.
Irina Novikova
Advertising Manager
- «Oh, the native». Here they throw an interesting native projects on various resources, including Layfhaker. I'm interested to see how to make quality advertising other publications.
- «Client». Funny channel, which reminds a lot of customers (it probably will not be much to write correctly, but it's true).