6 tips for effective work with e-mail
Work And Study Productivity / / December 23, 2019
Email is one of the best means of communication and, perhaps, the only one which is used by all users, without exception. You can like or dislike the messengers, use Skype or chat Facebook, but the email address you have for sure.
Every day we get to your mailbox, not only messages from friends and colleagues, but also dozens of promotional emails, notifications, simply spam. In order not to drown in the huge number of incoming messages, it is important to develop and apply the skills of effective work with e-mail.
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Schedule time checking email
If you feel that you spend too much time on processing of mail, and the number of emails in your inbox still does not decrease, then try a tougher plan while checking your mail box. Usually we start to check mail, find an interesting link in the letter, go to the website, and from there to the other... and after half an hour recall and returns to the analysis of the letters. As a result, time has passed and the case did not move.
So, try to isolate themselves for a certain limited time to work with e-mail. Frequency and duration of each of these intervals can be set for themselves on their own, depending on the volume of his correspondence. Maybe it will be an hour in the morning and an hour at the end of the day, maybe you prefer to go to your mail account every hour for five minutes. The most important thing - try to strictly adhere to the established schedule for yourself and not be distracted on anything extraneous. The knowledge that Your time is limited, Will inevitably lead to an increase in efficiency of processing postal revenue.
Each letter means action
The main rule is that you should apply when parsing mail - every open letter requires you to any action. If you opened the letter, then in any case it is impossible to leave it again in incoming. You either have to immediately respond to the letter or send it to someone who is better cope with this issue, or to plan for themselves Google Task task or calendar - in any case as a result of your action letter should be deleted or moved to the archive, the there is leave the folder inbox. Subject to this simple rule your inbox eventually cleared.
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Filters and Labels
If you get on a daily basis a large number of letters, their analysis requires you a lot of time and effort. Why do not you use the resources the postal service, especially since in most services, this feature is present and well implemented?
We are talking about setting up filters for automatic mail processing. Instead of having to manually click on each message, and your every click - this is also the time and effort, just once configure the required filters. For example, all messages with the address of your relatives are automatically placed in the folder Family and marked as important marker. All press releases go to a separate folder without going through folder inboxAnd notifications from social networks at once fly in shopping cart.
Thus, you can spread the message on the main topics and to prepare adequately for their treatment. You will no longer be a situation where your brain is parsing address switches from the Home Affairs office in the questions and then immediately on entertainment distribution, and then back again.
Options for a variety of filters there is a huge amount and I am sure that once building an automatic filtration system, you will save days and months of your time. Additionally, by assigning labels or distribution folders, you can easily find the letters in the archive (you remember that folder inbox we completely empty?).
use search
Many users, especially beginners, keep all your email in your inbox, because they feel that they will never find them no more at archiving. If you set up a system of filters and labels as described in the previous paragraph, your archive is already ordered and it is much easier to navigate. But do not forget also about the search bar. For example, in Gmail's search engine is so perfect (who would doubt!) To find any letter will have no difficulty.
use the mark
Many postal services have a function tagging messages with special markers (in Gmail is a star). With their help it is easy to provide the necessary messages that require your attention and put them in a separate folder. In Gmail, you can choose a set of stamps and quite flexible to use them. Thus, a single glance at the contents of your mailbox will be enough to select the letters according to their importance.
Use keyboard shortcuts
Using hot keys can speed up mail processing so that it is worth spending a few hours to study them. But before that, take a look at the settings (in Gmail is Settings - General - Shortcuts) And make sure they are included. After that, simply click on the keyboard in front of a question mark and you will be prompted with all the hot keys Gmail.
Email is a great communication tool, but it does not mean that you should give this process a half of his life. Maximum automation of all processes, quick answers, or forwarding messages, scheduling their time together with other councils this article will allow you to quickly enough to cope with any number of letters and save more time for more enjoyable activities.