What is necessary for fruitful work at home
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
Freedom of movement and lack of dress code - a huge advantage work remotely or freelancing. But the combination of house walls with the labor space threatens to reduce your efficiency closer to sneakers. How not to become hostage to the relatives of the squares? How to organize the work at home? How to tackle the problem, to spend on their implementation of the minimum amount of time?
In this article we recall the simple things and nuances of working from home, which will give impetus to your performance.
Service - one of the most hated, but at the same time essential items in any home. It was his first you hear every morning, even if you do not want that. Human nature includes conducting daily lifestyle, so our body is programmed to react to sunlight. Your body "plant" as soon hear a slight whispering lights: "It's time to wake up."
So stop split hairs with tricky electronic alarm clock makes you swing your phone or run out into the street, to turn off the sound. Set the alarm clock,
simulating sunrise. A gradual increase in the brightness of the screen as they approach the time of lifting of the bed may be the most gentle way to wake up.Exercises
Does not need to buy an expensive exercise bike or treadmill that everything else and the store is not very convenient. But a couple of simple things you must have for a workout. Yoga mat, dumbbell or rope will always help stretch your muscles and get away from work. Everything else, you have no excuses not to engage in the development of his body due to the fact that the drag at trenazhorku under prolonged rain quite lazy.
Even the most successful people periodically need a kick to manifest the idea, or simply take on the chore. A good book just may become the motivator.
Pages filled with real-world examples to achieve difficult goals, failure and self-improvement in the packed cones, Herculean efforts to overcome the obstacles that will stand you in good stead during the period of creative stagnation and help to break the link with sofa.
Even if you do not belong to the lucky ones who earn a living at home, you do not care at least once had to pull their tails, bringing work to the place of residence. But the fruitful work in the "hothouse" conditions precedes search hiding place where no one and nothing will distract from the goal. Work in a safe haven actually reduces the time of implementation of tasks.
There are three types of goals: long-term (eg, the whole year), short-term (for specific projects) and daily (responsible for control of the pressing issues). But even in this high-tech age of the paper remains the primary means of document and fix problems. Many successful people write down all three types of objectives in handwritten notebooks or small pads are placed in the back pocket.
Telephone & Internet
Returning to our advanced times, it is difficult to overestimate the role of telecommunication and network access to productive work. If you occasionally encounter instability of the selected mobile phone operator or Internet Service Provider, take care of the connection of alternative communication channels. For example, the main channel may be expensive and unlimited and the sub - cheap and billing. Perhaps we should give up the Wi-Fi-connection in favor of a conventional cable.
You have heard about the health risks associated with prolonged sitting at the computer. Competent organization of the workplace can reduce the risk of problems with vision and backbone. Table height, chair comfort, the screen angle, the light source, the keyboard layout - all the nuances necessary to think once and qualitatively. Of course, we should not forget that the regular rise of the working chair and a warm-up not only relieve back pain and save your eyes from myopiaBut also improve your brain activity.
Notice Board
Improve your home office cork board. It is an effective method to improve understanding of the task and its implementation.
Break the goal into steps, providing each of them records and supplies. For example, business cards, phone numbers, diagrams, printouts. The visual presentation of the objectives is widely used by many successful people and teams.
Healthy eating
Fridge filled with healthy food - a true ally of success. Only a healthy body feeds a healthy mind. A healthy body is to eat healthy food. Less consumption of fast food, and more - balanced natural foods will charge your body with energy for productive work for the day.
Kitchen table
It is not necessary to combine the workplace to the kitchen table. Thus you lose the balance between work and home, which will certainly affect the psychological and emotional perception of the walls. Try to identify a special space where you and your family will eat for together and discuss matters not related to work.
We are haunted by the screens. Monitor, TV, tablet, mobile phone. There is an extremely unbalanced situation, when you look at the screen in total 45 minutes for each working hour. It is therefore very important to have a hobby, not related to movies or computer games. Find an interesting hobby for himself, which is related to manual work. Painting, Musical instrument, gardening, woodworking - postrabochey treatment options are many.