How do the weekly amount of work for two days
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
So began his article by Chris Winfield (Chris Winfield), entrepreneur, author and coach from New York. Once Chris realized that something had gone wrong in his life. He tried to re-think the value, to understand what is really important. Needed changes to work more efficiently, rather than longer.
It was necessary to optimize the workflow. And Chris managed to change the time, but in the end - and his life with the help of a simple technique the Pomodoro, whose name is well known to regular readers Layfhakera. In this article we share tips from Chris Winfield on the use of Pomodoro technique.
What is the Pomodoro technique
"Tomato" technique is simple. Incidentally, it was the simple things usually work best. In 2006, the creator of technology Pomodoro Francesco Cirillo (Francesco Cirillo) published a book in which he explained not only the methodology, but also its psychological basis. After reading the book you realize that Pomodoro is much harder than it sounds, but if you work on it properly, life really changed.
Here are the four pillars of "tomato" technique:
1. Works in tandem with the times, and not against it.
Time is not your enemy. No need to chase after him to finish the task on time and do not disrupt the deadlines. Pomodoro Technique teaches us to ally with time, rather than fight it.
2. Avoid "burnout."
Short breaks relieve the work of the last forces. Adhering to the "tomato" of the system, can not be recycled.
3. Manage distractions.
Distractions are constantly haunt us: phone calls, messages on social networks or a fixed idea of what the car is time to add oil. It can wait. "Tomato" technology makes it possible to postpone the foreign affairs - or rather, put them in priority to another time.
4. Find a better balance of work and life.
Do you know the feeling of guilt because of the fact that you tear the deadline, which hurts you and does not allow to relax in the evening and on weekends? The more efficiently you work, the more pleasure you get from free time. Becoming a master in the Pomodoro technique, you can create an effective schedule for the implementation of priorities and genuinely enjoy your free time.
25 minutes cfokusirovannosti: how to work with "tomatoes"
- Select one task. Only one at any given time.
- Set the timer for 25 minutes.
- Work on the task until the timer bell, then check the box that the first 25 minutes have passed.
- Take a five-minute break - you've finished the first "tomatoes"!
- After three "tomatoes" take a break for 15 minutes.
"To work 25 minutes - but nothing to do! It's easy! "- you think. But do not rush to conclusions. 25 minutes you have to deal with only one problem. No multitasking, no calls and messages, are not allowed, no distractions!
"Tomato" tools
Here's what you need to work in the Pomodoro technique and help to master it to perfection:
- kitchen timer or Smartphone application, computer, browser extension;
- Airplane on the phone;
- quiet location (if none, the soundproof headphones or ear plugs);
- paper and pen to mark finished "tomatoes";
- 5 minutes every morning to make a plan of tasks for the day;
- 30 minutes at the end of each week, to analyze it and schedule the task to the next.
Three of my disappointment in the "tomato" technique
As in any case, at the beginning of the development of technology you expect disappointment. It is important to overcome them grow and learn more. Here are some frustration waiting for me:
- I thought that the day easily make 16 "tomatoes", because I used to work so hard that 7 hours seemed nonsense. The first day I made only 12 "tomatoes" and felt like a failure. I have not achieved their goals, he was tired and miserable.
- Over the next few days, I tried to reduce the number of tasks for the day. When I was able to fulfill his plan, I felt superproduktivnym and was happy. On other days I did not have time to make a scheduled number of "tomatoes" and felt disgusting. I was convinced that Pomodoro - the most stupid system in the world.
- One day I decided to give up the Pomodoro and returned to multi-task. I was not focused, not productive and disappointed, but gritted his teeth and continued to work in this mode for several days. As a result, I discovered that I have fulfilled the task, but the performance was incomparably lower than when working in the "tomato" technique.
We find a personal balance
I decided to go back to the Pomodoro and began to experiment with a small number of "tomatoes" in the day. I started with 5 and gradually increased up to the number 8. That it was my goal - 8 "tomatoes" every working day, ie 40 "tomatoes" in the week.
But life puts their conditions. Sometimes in the day there were many meetings that I had to attend, or my daughter acted in school and I did not want to miss it. In general, I do not always manage to perform 8 "tomatoes" in the day. However, for me it was obvious that the 40 "tomatoes" a week - my magic number and I have to stick to it, at the same time understand how to fit it into the working week.
40 "tomatoes" per week = 1000 + 350 minutes of minutes of interruption. That is about 16.7 hours of work per week.
In the days when I had to be distracted or when I was exhausted physically and mentally, I do not have time to make an 8 "tomatoes." And I did not like to lag, and the next day to catch up with the schedule, trying to perform 14 cycles. It is tedious, and the quality of work suffers. I realized that it is necessary to revise the working week and find your personal schedule.
How I fell in love with a seven-day working week
When I decided to change my life and do not devote himself to work, I vowed not to work on weekends, holidays, vacations, and even after the end of the working day. I inform you that I have broken the oath and very happy.
In those days, when I could not finish 8 "tomatoes" to the end of the day, I was upset, I felt like a failure. And I started thinking, why should I set for myself constraints, what time I have to work? I did it, because before my life was filled with work that I exhausted.
Now I do not just spend a lot of hours in the work I am doing meaningful things necessary. In addition, I can afford to do personal business during hours that are usually set aside for work. And my thinking changed.
Puzzle emerged when I moved from five days on a working day from 8:00 to 17:00 for a seven-day working week, in which I work when I need to and when it is possible.
At week 168 hours. I used to work 40-45 of them to be sure to finish 40 "tomatoes" on weekdays. Now I distribute them for 7 days. Clean working time obtained 16.7 hours. That is, I only work 10% of the time in a week! That's the difference!
How can I do a week's work for two working days ?!
16.7 hours - a little more than two typical days. You have rebelled, of course, that the work week much more. I agree with you and at the same time refute this assertion.
During his forty-hour working week of 20-25 hours I have consulted, held meetings, on the phone or Skype, and doing other tasks that do not require focus. They are important, but I do not consider them as "working time".
16.7 hours - a net work, and during that time I have time to do a few times more than 25 hours. You can not disconnect from the outside world and immerse yourself in an ideal working environment. Life still will pull you into their circle. But you can work more efficiently, without devoting himself to work without the rest.
Pearl Buck (Pearl Buck), American writerFind the joy - then find the fountain of youth.
Motivation Psychology: be aware of your energy
In an ideal world, I have 8 major tasks for the day. I'm starting with the highest priority and executes them one after the other with the same enthusiasm. I do not get distracted, do not interrupt, and 3 hours time to complete the scheduled work day. Sounds delicious, but our world is not committed to this ideal.
But the reality is that people live among other people. And I get tired and I have emotions that I can not fight. Some tasks I did not want to do, although I am aware of their importance. To operate successfully in the Pomodoro technique, it is necessary to ally with his thinking and emotions.
My energy reserves and mood affect how I do the work. It is therefore important when planning for the day pay attention to it. Here are the questions I ask myself when I plan the day:
- My physical energy - as far as I'm healthy?
- My emotional energy - as far as I'm happy?
- My mental energy is - as far as I can focus on something?
- My spiritual energy - why am I doing this? What is my purpose?
Since I consider your mood and energy resources when planning the task, I do not do anything just because "should".
When I feel that I do not have enough physical energy, I'm doing something to improve the health and well-being. When I did not have the energy of emotional, I spend time with my wife and daughter and become happier.
And, of course, I found a job that fills me, and does not drain. Thanks to which I have the time to become better, to be with family and friends, to be healthy in all respects: body, mind and soul.
Tell us whether you are using the Pomodoro technique and whether it helps you complete more and get tired less?