KanbanFlow: joint work on the Japanese kanban system
Productivity Web Services / / December 23, 2019
Today we look at an interesting and rather handy online tool designed for both single as well as to work together on projects to Kanban methodology. We will not describe in detail once again the essence metodolgii, since you can always read about it in our Kanban review.
Immediately move on to the service. it is called KanbanFlowIt is provided completely free of charge and allows you to create multiple kanban boards for planning and tracking of work on various projects. Before us is the kanban board.
As you can see from the screenshot, in the standard board is divided into 4 columns:
- tasks to be performed
- tasks to be carried out today
- tasks you are working on at the moment
- completed tasks
Each task using the "+" icon may be added in an arbitrary column. When creating a task, the its name, its description is given added color indicator, the person in charge and the expected time if you wish, will take on the task. As you work, you can add in the elapsed time clock to eventually track the difference in planned and actual time required for various tasks.
If the problem is complex and contains several smaller actions, you can add it subtasks.
If necessary, each project participant can add comments to a task.
By the way, KanbanFlow bolted and known to many timer implements the popular and effective system Pomodoro. In this case, it is integrated in the tasks themselves, which further simplifies time management. Also in the timer has statistical tools.
Move tasks between columns by simply dragging and dropping, and when you right-click on the task menu appears most frequently performed actions with the task.
Board itself also configurable through the Administration menu. You can change the order, the name of the speaker, as well as add and remove columns.
Service allows you to invite other users to collaborate. It is only necessary to specify email this person, then he will have an invitation.
The system is quite functional, simple and convenient. The only major drawback: the lack of mobile applications. Among the services, using similar methodology can be identified TrelloAbout which we have said previously.