Appendix Sky: Accounting is always at hand
Productivity Web Services / / December 23, 2019
There are more cloud services, and accounting in the cloud is no surprise. Convenient and affordable cloud service Sky has already been presented to Layfhakere, and recently the same company Nebo LLC has released a useful application for managers.
Sky app for iOS and Android It helps to see a summary of your company without having to climb into the bowels of online accounting. A pair of touches, and leader sees things in a company or a few firms. No wasted minutes and spent the ruble, by the way, too - is a free application.
How often do you need to know how much money is in the bank and cash register as sales go, when you need to make regular payments? It does not matter, for each customer, or in general, Sky app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch helps to do this at any time, even when you do not have internet.
In offline mode, data is stored for a week, so you do not have to call the accountant and get him different questions, and not threatened to remain without the information in the most inopportune moment.
What you need to head
This application will need everyone who is accounting in the cloud on the sky service. Let's say you already bought Account online accounting Sky or just going to transfer their accounts to it. There will be a daily input of documents, reporting the formation, delivery of reports via the Internet and other accounting work.
What is reflected in the annex to the head of Sky? The most basic: "Money", "Sales", "debt" and "Calendar." These four sections are enough to provide you with basic information about the company, and do not overload with unnecessary data accounting.
If you have an account in the Sky, simply enter the e-mail and password, and then viewing the data from the cloud-based accounting. As in the cloud, you can keep accounts of several organizations in the application, you can view the information separately for each of them.
Bank and insurance fund
In the first tab, "Money" is under "Bank", "Cash" and "Total". Here you see the income and expenditure of money associated with specific customers and dates. Data on receipts and expenditures for the day, automatically calculated balance - do not have anything to look and to think one look and everything is clear.
the sale
In the tab "Sales" you can see how many items were sold and services rendered. In the section "Products" you can immediately see the name of the sold items, their price, the client and the date of sale. With the services of the same.
Sales are divided into time periods: If you need to know how many sales have been in a day, week or month, as provided services and the total number of actions of the company, in the application it will take several seconds.
But who should
In the tab "debt" reflects everything about loans. In "We must", you can see who and how many owe the company. In this case, the debts are distributed over time, and you can immediately see which debts there are less than 10 days, which - over and the total amount of debt.
Next comes the tab "We have to." Here you can see how much you owe and to whom, and how long ago it was.
The last tab in the "long" - balance. There will be enough at a glance, to assess how the situation with debts in your company. On top there is the total amount, less - for each individual debtor.
Not to forget
The last tab applications - "reporting calendar." Here you can see everything that needs to be done for each of the organization: mandatory and advance payments, VAT and things to do that in any case it is impossible to miss.
Just go to the calendar, you will know what needs attention in the first place, when to give up, and how much is left before the next delivery.
easy control
In general, the application can be considered as Sky Gifts cloudy sky accounts. Free Program c convenient operation and friendly interface saves the most valuable resource managers - his time, and helps in any situation immediately obtain the necessary information about the company.