Common mistakes in the implementation of the GTD (№6)
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
In fact, the claimed GTD system natural planning for the Dle not imply accurate time estimates or strict structure, but we all know there are times and dates surrounding expected of us made to a specific day, hour, minute. This is not surprising. Execution time is important at a time when our actions are connected with other people. Because even if in the planning in the GTD, when things are not oriented to time and time, and the actual execution, It would be nice to at least roughly to take into account the necessary time to the task, otherwise the surrender of assignments on time will have forget.
Since a lot of attention paid to assessing the inbox, we can not be problems in the processing, I suggest to cross the notorious concept of time-boxing and the actual estimate. That is, when considering the problem, before sending it to one of the lists for their own tasks is very roughly estimated necessary to its execution time in the time-box-ah.
For myself, I chose the minimum value of 15 minutes, you can also come up and the other time - half an hour or five minutes - try.
For a quick assessment tasks at the stage of planning the following actions, I propose to visualize the temporary assessment. For GMail natural and the only way to do this will label.
They may look like this:
Adding such labels to the problems, and then, in the analysis of lists very easy at a glance the amount of work, which may zakontsit ilili for the given period of time, which will allow you to perform the promises without stress.
Yet the most important mistake that I left for dessert - it is doing nothing. Do not complicate the system - nachite perform scheduled to something that is not needed for your planning - will disappear by itself, and a shortage of you add to make your job easier to later, as the understanding of what helps you and what makes it into your work.