Smarter Time - smart time tracker that will make you more productive
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
Inability to organize your time is one of the main enemies of productivity. But in order to learn how to manage this resource, you first need to understand what and how you expend. Help in this app Smarter Time.
Immediately after the installation of the mobile device the program will start to monitor all activity: unlock the phone, the number of notifications, launch applications, the number of steps and even history movements. On the basis of these Smarter Time data builds a graphic diagram showing the user's activities during the day.
When the statistics accumulated enough, the app will show the typical behavior patterns for the user to analyze them. To combat the major time wasters Smarter Time offers several effective tools, ranging from limiting the number of starts certain programs and ending with setting limits for the use of mobile devices.
Statistics will be more complete if you download more and a desktop client, Versions of which have for Windows, MacOS and Linux. In this case, Smarter Time can analyze not only which applications you are running, but also which pages open in the browser.
Most tracker features are available for free. However, the paid version has more detailed statistics, accurate tracking movement even within the same room and some additional reports.
Price: Free
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